One of the strengths of the book is that the eating plan is quite flexible in terms of what you eat, when and how much.You are also given instructions for how to adjust your eating depending on how much animal protein and dairy products you choose to consume.Another strength is that the recipes take some pretty mundane sounding dishes and turn them into much tastier (and healthy) versions.
As someone who is very interested in Dr. Peter D'Adamo's work on blood types, I noticed that the advice here will fit those with type A blood very well, type B blood reasonably well, and type O blood less well.If you combine the perspectives of this book and Live Right 4 Your Type, I think you will have greatly improved your health, weight, and sense of well-being.
What's the down side?Well, you will have to buy and eat a lot of different foods than you do now.The book does a good job of describing different ways to make the transition.Within a few weeks, your food tastes will change and you will enjoy this diet.
I thought the biggest down side was that you'll pretty much have to give up on eating food from most restaurants.So, if you are like me and are often away from home, you'll have to carry food with you that you have prepared in advance.That's a pretty good idea anyway, and something that I have been doing more and more of.But it will be time-consuming, so something else will have to give in your life.Television, perhaps?Or remastered videos of 1950s comedies?
I am often asked my estimate of how costly a way of eating will be.I don't think this one will be extremely expensive, unless you decide to gorge only on the most expensive fruits and vegetables.You will save some money because you be eating out less, eating less processed food, and reducing your consumption of meat, poultry and dairy products.If you really like brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and nonfat refried beans, your budget will be safe.I happen to like those foods, so I was encouraged.
How do we know this works?Well, the advice here has been put in practice by the author for the last 15 years for his patients in Hawaii.The book also draws on important scientific studies of the average results of making changes in diet and exercise.
Get the right balance to improve your strength, mood, mind, and body!
Product Description
Forget everything you've learned about low-carb and carb-free diets!
In his bestselling book The HawaiiDiet, Dr. Terry Shintani showed readers how they could eat nearly twice as much food as they usually do and still lose weight. Now, as a much-needed voice of reason amidtoday's clamor of weight-loss programs that eliminate carbohydratesfrom the diet in favor of protein-only foods, Dr. Shintani returns with a revolutionary approach to weight-maintenance and total-body health.Here, you'll learn how to:
- Identify the "good" carbohydrates, from whole-grain pasta and pita bread to sweet potatoes and brown rice, as well as an array of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables
- Lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and control your blood sugar levels to help prevent the onset of osteoporosis, cancer, stroke, and other serious illnesses
- Design a delicious, affordable 21-day meal plan to get you started on the path toward weight loss and total-body wellness
...and much more. Whether you're seeking permanent weight loss, lower cholesterol, or a crash-course in good nutrition, The Good Carbohydrate Revolution promises to make eating well -- and staying well -- easier to achieve than ever before.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Good Carbohydrate Revolution: A Proven Program for Low-Maintenance Weight Loss and Optimum Health (Paperback)
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