
Review of GO-Diet, The Goldberg-O'Mara Diet Plan (Paperback)

I have every book on low-carb diets that has been printed, but this onemakes the most sense.After another low-carb attempt my cholestrol, etc.tests showed increases. Scary, very scary to me. This diet raises themonounsatured fat, lowers carbohydrates, increases fiber and isnutritionally balanced with normal protein levels.(Just as the coverstates.)The weight is coming off, as with other low-carb attempts, butthe blood test numbers are better and that is what we all aim for, right? The most encouraging part for me is that the Go-Diet is wellbalanced....you can live with it for a lifetime, even with an occasional"slip".I should have read this book first.I would have saveda lot of money and wasted time. Written by intelligent and compassionateprofessionals.

Product Description
Over 54% of the adult U.S. population are overweight or obese. The GO-Diet is a high monounsaturated fat, very low carbohydrate, normal protein diet plan which ensures safe weight loss without calorie restriction or muscle wasting while promoting heart healthy foods. The book is based on the research program conducted at a mojor Chicago community hospital to test it's efficacy. It is divided into 10 chapters giving the reader the background knowledge to understand why other diet programs fail, details about the diet, shopping and cooking guidelines and a variety of tasty recipes to get the reader started on a new way of life. The chapters on the scientific basis of the diet examine why the current conventional dietary advice advocating low fat and high carbohydrate diets are doomed to failure and indeed may be the cause of our current epidemic of overweight and obesity because they do not address the underlying hyperinsulinemia which may central to the development! of obesity.The GO-Diet stands on four legs. 1. Very low carbohydrate intake.2. High monounsaturated fat intake.3. Daily consumption of live culture fermented milk products.4. High dietary fiber consumption.This combination promises to give the reader abundant energy while promoting a health immune system. This leads to a healthier slimmer life. The mantra of the book is "Nothing tastes like slim feels".

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