Low-carb living need not be boring or even arduous when you know that there are virtually millions of ways to combine various ingredients to present the ultimate in low-carb dining. The opportunities are endless and can even be fun when you learn to start cooking this way all the time as part of your healthy lifestyle. Regardless of which low-carb plan you are following, there's a recipe for you to make and enjoy in The Big Book Of Low-Carb.
That's what co-authors Kitty Broihier, a registered dietician, and Kimberly Mayone, a recipe development consultant, wanted to acheive in this book of theirs. Loading it up with 250 recipes that are easy-to-make as well as entertaining to make and eat. The Big Book Of Low-Carb will certainly change the way you think about low-carb.
Broihier and Mayone admit up front that they wanted to offer a wide variety of options for low-carbers on every level from the "newbie" all the way to the "old pro" veterans who have been eating this way for years. The Big Book Of Low-Carb delivers with exquisite dishes that will get you out of your "low-carb rut" and will instead "keep you noshing happily on your low-carb program" forever.
Before you get to experience their amazing recipes, Broihier and Mayone provide some low-carb "basics" to help get you started off on the right foot. These helpful tips are there to give you guidance that could prove crucial as you prepare to become the king or queen of your low-carb cooking domain. Don't just foolishly skip over this part of the book because there are some really good techniques that frankly I hadn't even thought about before.
The authors also explain the definition of some popular low-carb cooking lingo that some people may not be aware of such as "resting foods," "net carbs," and the various kinds of portions. If you're gonna make these fine recipes, then you had better know what the authors are talking about ahead of time.
If your kitchen lacks the necessary tools to work with, then you might find yourself in a pinch when the book asks you to grate, whisk, or roll something. Not to worry because they help you out by sharing with you all the equipment and tools you will need to make these delighful recipes.
More importantly, they also explain what the basic foods are that you will want to keep on hand to make your low-carb cooking experience the best it can possibly be, including specific pantry items, refrigerated items, produce, meat and other necessary low-carb recipe essentials. Never start a recipe without knowing you have these items on hand. What a travesty that would be! :)
For all you cooking novices out there, The Big Book Of Low-Carb also includes a tutorial on various techniques that will help you along as you make these recipes. This section can also serve as a refresher course for you veterans who may not remember what it means to shock your vegetables, parboil your sausages, or zest those citrus fruits.
Once you start cooking, though, you'll feel right at home with these recipes and will soon make them a regular part of your favorite family times together. Whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner, side dishes, salads, grilling, desserts and even beverages, The Big Book Of Low-Carb has it all for you and so much more.
I was really impressed with the layout of the book with the recipes all-encompassed on one page each with a creative description featuring specific hints for that recipe, a clear listing of the ingredients in red alongside the directions, as well as the complete nutritional content and serving size of the recipes at the bottom of the page.
However, except for the front cover of the book, there are no pictures of the finished recipes for you to see what your masterpiece low-carb creations will look like. But that just means you will be in for a BIG surprise (and a good one at that!) when you see how these recipes turn out. That's the fun part about making recipes like these and you should look forward to making each of these recipes for yourself. Don't be afraid to try a recipe you've never done before because Broihier and Mayone make it so simple for you to look like you've cooked this way for years.
The Big Book Of Low-Carb is one of those rare books that people who are genuinely livin' la vida low-carb NEED to have in their kitchen. My philosophy is this: you can NEVER have too many low-carb recipes! ENJOY!
Product Description
Low-carb has moved beyond fad into lifestyle. And what a lifestyle with 250 recipes this good! Shrimp and Havarti Frittata, Cumin Roasted Chicken, Country Style Pork Ribs, Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake. With carbs so low and flavors so big, no one will believe these fabulous dishes aren't all served with a side of guilt. The Big Book of Low-Carb includes an astonishing array of breakfast foods, snacks, salads and appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, beverages, not to mention plenty of low-carb desserts to please even the sweetest sweet tooth. Also included are helpful tips such as which dishes combine best to create healthy and satisfying low-carb menus, where to find the more unusual ingredients, and a handy breakdown of nutritional content for each recipe. The Big Book of Low-Carb brings to the table the best of both worlds: enticing recipes and a way to keep the weight off. Finally, flavorful and guiltfree-someone got low-carb right!
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Big Book of Low-Carb: 250 Simple, Delicious, Nutritious Recipes (Paperback)
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