
Review of Living Low-Carb: The Complete Guide to Long Term Low-Carb Dieting (Paperback)

I really enjoyed reading and frequently refer to Fran McCullough's previous low-carb book, The Low-Carb Cookbook. This second book on the subject is already proving just as useful to me. The excellent informationin it is completely accessible because the author's writing style issmooth, down-to-earth and as pleasant an experience as a chat with a goodfriend. Another major plus is that the layout of the book itself as a wholeis extremely well organized. There is a clear table of contents, anextensive list of sources for low-carb living (many conveniently on theWeb), a bibliography and an index. The first four of the book's sixsegments deal with living the low-carb lifestyle:(1) Why are we doing thisanyway? (benefits of low-carb living); (2) Secret weapons (for maintainingthe low-carb lifestyle); (3) Troubleshooting (blowing it, plannedindulgences, snacks, eating out, holidays, on the road, hitting a plateau,thyroid troubles, etc.); (4) Special situations (vegetarianism, diabetes,pregnancy and nursing). The fifth section contains extensive informationabout what to have in your kitchen (spices, food labels, bread, soy, fakesugar). The final section is 240 pages of new recipes to add to theexcellent ones in her first book.
I agree with the other reviewers thatone of the most refreshing things about Fran McCullough is that she is notposing as a diet guru. She is an "ordinary" person in that she isnot a doctor or nutritionist who came up with a particular diet and ishawking it as the salvation of all. She has tried the diet herself over along period of time and found it has conferred many benefits to her health.And as a writer and cookbook editor, she has read carefully and analyzedthe latest books and studies on the subject of low-carb living. She reportson her findings and conclusions about these books and studies clearly,concisely, and extremely helpfully. I found her section on thyroidespecially useful. It was one of the best and most accurate statements ofthyroid information I have read in the recent past (it is a subject I readabout extensively when a very near relative of my age developed a seriousthyroid problem).
I believe low-carbers, either new to this diet or oldhands like me, will find this book well worth owning, a ready reference towhich you will refer again and again. I have taken extensive notes from thebook listing for myself suggestions she gave I found extremely pertinent tome for food, supplements and sources for both which I plan to follow up onin the very near future.

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