I have been using the book and the "diet" for a while now and will report that I feel terrific, which is even more important than my weight loss, which is happening.This book/diet does not promote a highfat/high protein diet like Atkins (which I tried and got sick from), butdoes promote a balanced low-fat, low-carb diet.Almost instantly, I wasfinding my energy levels elevated all day.Before, I would be sleepy latemorning, mid-afternoon and early evening.Now, I can concentrate at work,and have the energy to exercise at night.That's been the most excitingchange.It would be easy for some to dismiss this diet because of thereward meal, but the truth is that once you start the program, your desireto pig out at the reward meal goes away.Yes, I enjoy the fact that I canhave dessert, but I usually don't want that much.Not because I amstuffed; I just don't have the strong desire I used to have!Anyway, giveit a try -- but only if you pass the test and are a Carb Addict.GoodLuck!
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The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program: Personalized Plan for Becoming Slim, Fit & Healthyin your 40's 50's 60's and Beyond (Paperback)
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