The Hamptons Diet focuses on controlling the number and quality of carbs eaten while eating the right types of food and fat. This book is much lighter on the actual science (the part that goes right over most reader?s heads anyway) and a lot heavier on the simply explained How-To?s (the part the average reader benefits from the most.)
The Hamptons Diet introduces several new food pyramids, instead of just turning the Standard USDA food pyramid upside-down. This strategy will help you to make wise food choices from each food category while not making you feel hopeless about *never* again eating [whatever your favorite is]. For each of the food groups, there is a separate pyramid that presents the basic choices in levels of desirability - in other words, choices can be made that are always desirable and preferred over all others, even if the other choices are not actually prohibited, per se. In the protein pyramid, processed and fried meats are not actually prohibited, but they are undesirable in comparison to the other choices, so they appear up at the peak of the pyramid, with a recommendation to limit their consumption. There are separate pyramids for vegetables, grains, fruit and sugars, fats and oils. Whole grains and legumes are allowed on the Hamptons Diet, in varying amounts depending on your individual needs/progress.
I can definitely see myself sticking to this one for the rest of my life, and I find myself becoming quite fond of the taste of mac-nut oil!
Dr. Pescatore explains clearly in the Hamptons Diet that where he differs from Dr. Atkins is in the amount and type of fats he recommends, not the basic principles. The Hamptons Diet prescribes the regular use of macadamia nut oil as the sole added fat, in place of all other choices. Because macadamia nut oil contains equally balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fats and is also the richest in monounsaturated omega-9 fats with a high smoke-point, he says it is by far the healthiest choice for everyone.
I am sure you are wondering about the differences between this plan and the South Beach Diet, given the similarity in their names and the timing of their publication. In this low-carber's opinion, the Hamptons Diet is far preferable. I base this opinion on the fact that while dairy products are not encouraged in large amounts on the Hamptons Diet, you may still choose to eat the less processed, full-fat, pure forms of these foods when you do choose to eat dairy. South Beach encourages liquid margarine substitutes in spite of warnings against hydrogenated and trans-fatty acids, and also encourages non-fat or low-fat dairy substitutes, in spite of the fact that the lower-fat versions of these foods consist mostly of chemicals.
One of Dr. Pescatore?s strongest consistent messages over the years, a message for which he has earned my utmost respect, is that we should ALL be eating REAL FOOD - the less processed, and the less manipulated, the better. He warns to never eat trans-fats, margarine, hydrogenated fats, or - this will be surprising to some - canola oil (completely man-made, and highly refined.) He also discourages the use of grapeseed oil.
Dr. Pescatore refers specifically to protein shakes, bars, and most commercially produced low-carb snack foods as ?crutches?. He states unequivocally that there is no such thing as a ?net? carbohydrate, and while still encouraging high fiber foods, says that the only number that counts on any label is the official total carb count. (Talk about taking a stand - hear, hear! for the complete lack of potential confusion in this message! HOW REFRESHING IS THAT.)
Dr. P also encourages organic foods, while recognizing that not everyone will be able to afford to eat organically all the time, including himself. He recommends if you can only afford to eat one organic food on a regular basis, to make it eggs. Organically-raised eggs tend to have a perfect 1 to 1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats, while the omega-6 fats (the ones we tend to get too many of) in commercial eggs can appear in a ratio of as great as 19 to 1!
It appears that even if his body is in the Hamptons most of the time these days, Dr. P's wallet and sensibilities have remained firmly in middle America. That is just one of the reasons that I recommend that you RUN - Don't Walk - and get your own copy of the Hamptons Diet.
- Encourages use of Australian macadamia nut oil in place of all other added oils and fats
- Encourages organic foods and discourages all highly processed foods
- Restricts total carb intake according to weight loss or maintenance phase, with no truly forbidden foods
- Introduces a whole new set of new food pyramids to help dieters make wise choices from each food category
- Encourages moderate alcohol consumption
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Hamptons Diet: Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with the Doctors Delicious Meal Plans (Paperback)
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