Product Description
Lose weight, be healthy, and enjoy the delicious diningmade possible with SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE! ...WITH THE BRENNANS PART II.Ellen and Ted Brennan's most recent cookbook and companion guide istheir response to the many Sugar Busters dieters in need of additionalrecipes and helpful information initially found in their original,best-selling SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE!The new PART II includes over 300brand-new low sugar recipes, easy one-dish meals, an updated shopper'sbrand name guide, new menus, extensive wine list, tips for success andmore.
SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE! ... WITH THE BRENNANS PART II is the answer toless than satisfying meals and restrictive low calorie diets that forsome people even create a fear of food.Such deprivation is not goodfor your well-being.You will learn to enjoy eating and still behealthy as you SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE! ... WITH THE BRENNANS throughoutthe new millennium.This new way of life will help you lose weightand keep it off without feeling hungry or craving food for longperiods of time.
In SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE! ... WITH THE BRENNANS PART II, Ellen and TedBrennan have blended quality and taste in recipes that are lacking inunhealthy, high glycemic carbohydrates, such as bananas, beets,carrots, potatoes, refined sugar, flour, pastas, etc.Excessiveconsumption of such high glycemic carbohydrates can affect the immunesystem and create the risk for disease.SUGAR BUST FOR LIFE! ... WITHTHE BRENNANS PART II can improve cholesterol, triglycerides, bloodsugar levels, blood pressure, digestive disorders, help attain thatdesired weight while diminishing the symptoms of diabetes andrestoring strength and stamina. In their new cookbook and companionguide, you will learn to cook healthfully while still satisfying themost discriminating palates.
Ellen and Ted, surrounded by dining opportunities, understand thechallenge of a Sugar Busters lifestyle and have wisely adjusted theireating habits to maintain their good health.They have taken theguesswork out of making wise choices without relying on countingcalories or fat grams.
You will discover a new way to eat right while eating well.SUGARBUST FOR LIFE! ...WITH THE BRENNANS PART II unfolds an easy road to ahealthful life for you.
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