All in all 5 star, I only wish there were more doctors like Dr. LaValle to assist people in there quest for optimal health.
Product Description
Doctors traditionally prescribe a pill for every ill. But for mostpeople, these single solutions don't work. The truth is, most chronichealth problems, including stubborn weight gain, unbeatable fatigue,intestinal distress, high blood pressure, creeping cholesterol, andhigh blood sugar, are not found in simply one organ, but in severalparts of the body (often times in twos and threes). This is the resultof years of slow, subtle challenges to your metabolism, which is asunique as you are. Your lifestyle habits, stess level, prescriptiondrug use, and relationships, as well as the genes you inherit and theenvironment in which you live-in effect, the sum total of your lifeexpierence up to this day-determine your personal metabolism and, inturn, your current state of health.
Using a step-by-step, easy-to-implement system of diet, lifestylestrategies, and state-of-the-art nutrients and supplements, Dr. JamesLaValle will help you create an indiviudalized program for reclaimingyour metabolism and health.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Cracking the Metabolic Code (Paperback)
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