Here are some key points that I have gained from reading that I'd like to remember and share:
"You have to cultivate a positive attitude about making lifestyle changes."
"Muscle burns more calories than fat does."
"Strength training can help burn calories at rest by maintaining muscle mass."
"There's evidence that being satisfied may be more strongly determined by the volume and weight of food you consume rather than the number of calories.In other words, fruits, vegetables and other high-fiber foods are bulkier...and fill you up better without the extra calories."
"If you focus on your health, then you'll develop healthy habits.If you develop healty habits, then the pounds will take care of themselves."
We could learn a lot from the Chinese: "The Chinese in Asia consume significantly more calories than do the Chinese in North America, yet they get a much smaller percentage of their calories from fat, weigh less, and are leaner.Their diet is predominantly plant-based, and the get about 90 percent of their calories from nonanimal sources.They also spend more time in vigorous activities."
"To limit calories, go easy on portion size and high-sugar and high-fat foods."
"Eat half the amount of food you normally eat, and eat more slowly."
"Eat when you are physically hungry, not when the clock says it is time to eat."
"Eradicate the "D" word...maintaining weight loss requires permanent change in activity levels and nutritional habits."
These tips are from just the first five chapters. (!) There's a wealth of information for all so enjoy reading this book and learning great tips to help you lose weight and maintain your loss successfully.
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