Himself a professional personal-trainer, nutritionist and serious spiritualist, Mr. Robb writes in a non-fanatic, helpful and directly disarming way, tracing the reasons for fat-gain and what is needed for losing the fat. The narrative of his disabling pivotal experience with a hypoglycemic prelude to diabetes is chillingly shocking. His subsequent research leading to his complete recovery resulting in this diet plan is perfect for just about everybody. The current revised edition book gives a very useful section for managing diabetes through his diet plan.
The FBD incorporates sufficient scientific information in clear-cut simple terms that one can relate to without being overawed by it--Sometimes I found myself saying, 'Wow! My body can do all that?!' It gave me a new appreciation and respect for the amazing instrument the human body is, which can manage its wellbeing better if we follow a few very simple rules.
The key point of the FBD program are:
The body needs a high carbohydrate with low protein meal in alternation with low carb with moderate protein meal. In other words, alternate high-carb-low protein with low-carb-moderate protein on alternate days--Eating only 3 solid meals a day. (Once you've got your body's metabolism rolling, you can do alternate meals this way also). This is the core of the program.
The other two points are--Mild exercise (aerobics--walking, and some weight-training to boost metabolism and increase muscle strength) is recommended, as is very simple meditation time--here basically understood to spend time with ourselves without distractions. Each of these three make eminent good sense and are very do-able as encouragingly and confidently coached by Jay Robb.
After reading this book I got a number of insights into my own morbid overweight problem---the most important find was confirmation of my nagging feeling over the years that I felt better when I fasted frome cereals. I tried the simple diet test suggested in FBD--you fast completely (and honestly!) from cereals and their products for 3 days, then eat some on the 4th day and see if you feel hazy/ dozy/ fatigued/ gassy/ unwell!). This test confirmed that I was seriously allergic to gluten--I also experienced that the grains were also heavily contributing to my weight gain. (My personal observational note to those who are gluten allergic--you may also be egg-allergic so avoid eggs on the test days--add the eggs back to your diet a couple of days before trying the cereals--if there is no reaction then add the cereal and see if you have any symptoms.)
Another interesting find--The FBD has a requirement for a lot of fat-free yoghurt and I was hesitant because eating a lot of yoghurt in the past gave me uncomfortable bodyaches. I found that eliminating the cereals while having the yoghurt created no problems whatsoever and that all the symptoms I had attributed to yoghurt were in fact cereal-allergy symptoms--possibly compunded by the yoghurt. Without the cereals in the diet, yoghurt is great any time of day ornight.
Years of yo-yo dieting had made my metabolism slow while I kept gaining weight and feeling more ill as each season went by and turned into years and kilos of weight gain. (I am now in my fifties agewise.) I started the Jay Robb plan about 6 weeks ago. Upto that point I had beenfollowing bodybuilder Tom Venuto's 'Burn-the-fat' plan quite sincerely for almost 2 months and although I lost some weight, it was patchy; the greatest turn-offs were the need to eat 6 meals a day Caccording to a specific ratio of protein- carbohydrate- fat and to exercise and weight train fairly aggressively. Towards the end of it I found I gained about 1% body fat while losing about 3 kilos of weight overall--not good! With this plan my basal temperature was still at 97.2 degrees after 2 months--very low. In addition, the whole day was spent in anxiety worrying about havinf the 'balanced' meal every 3-1/2 hours--really a problem as the whole day one is meditating about food and balancing calories.
With the FBD there is no such problem and by following a few simple guidelines one can create a low-carb-moderate protein meal or high-carb-low protein meal anywhere and even in the restaurant.
Three days after starting the Jay Robb plan my basal temperature went up to 98 degrees, my body fluids pH levels started to become alkaline (very good!) and within a week my body teperature was upto an excellent fat-burning ideal 98.6 degrees! I have also lost almost four kilos of weight overall in the 6 weeks I have been on the FBD, as well as over 3% body fat (adding solid muscle gains)--which is super excellent.
An additional observation--the lipomas (fat-lumps) under the skin are vanishing and the skin and muscle -tone has improved dramatically.
I recommended this diet plan to a friend who had a diagnosed hypothyroid problem and suffered palpitations, severe bodyaches on eating yoghurt, chronic indigestions, acidity and diahrreas--diagnosed by the best gastro-entologists as infections for years and treated as such. Within ten days ALL palpitations, bodyaches, diahrreas vanished completely. They return only if wheat or rice is taken--millet and buckwheat is no problem; in 3 weeks the body temperature is now 98.4 degrees up from 97 degrees with major health gains. In addition to the FBD program I added to the diet virgin coconut oil (1-2 tablespoons)--I estimate that this helped to boost the metabolic rate more rapidly.
Two diabetics have tried this plan out with the approval of their physician and are doing extremely well in the few weeks they have been on it. Their medication has reduced significantly and their energy levels are boosted.
If you are frustrated with or resigned to your weight and health condition--get this book now. Following the FBD plan will change your life as surely it changed mine.
Product Description
By Jay Robb
256 pages (softbound)
Low-carb mania is sweeping the nation as Americans become carb-conscious in their quest to lose weight. While low-carb dieting can be effective in the short run, cutting carbs long term can carry many potential drawbacks, health risks, and challenges. An extreme low-carb diet can be monotonous, boring, too high in saturated fat, too low in fresh fruits and vegetables, too low in fiber, too high in meat, and fattening because it is high in calories.
Jay Robb has discovered the secret to healthy low-carb eating, which he outlines in his newly revised book, The Fat Burning Diet. The technique he created is called "carb-cycling," where the dieter eats low-carb meals one day and high-carb meals the next day. Then the cycle is repeated. It's that simple.
As a clinical nutritionist, Jay teaches glycogen management, which allows the dieter to sidestep the fat-storing cycle. Glycogen is carbohydrate that is stored in the muscle and liver. When a person cuts carbs, glycogen is depleted as the body begins burning fat as its primary source of fuel, while converting stored glycogen to glucose for secondary energy needs. The average person can store approximately 350-400 grams of carbohydrate as glycogen. The human body will convert excess carbs to glycogen first, instead of turning those carbs into fat. So the secret to permanent weight loss is to keep glycogen levels in check. Once a person lowers glycogen levels, then he or she can eat carbs safely until glycogen levels are full. Then the dieter must return to low-carb eating or run the risk of getting fat. This is why carb-cycling on The Fat Burning Diet allows a person to safely eat healthy high-carb foods every other day.
In the pages of The Fat Burning Diet, you will discover:
1. -how to safely eat carbs every other day without getting fat. Now you can eat the carbs you love without feeling guilty!
2. -how to lose all the weight you want, without even trying! Once and for all, you will stop worrying about your weight and start enjoying your new energized life!
3. -how to turn a slow metabolism into a fat-burning furnace! You will be energized, and your metabolism will be running on high, which can melt away fat like butter in a microwave!
4. -how protein can keep your mind focused and your memory sharp! You may be able to score higher on tests, keep your thoughts focused, accomplish more, and remember everything that is important in your life!
5. -which supplements can help you gain energy and lose fat! You can stop wasting your money on useless supplements and focus on the ones your body truly needs!
6. -an instant breakfast that requires only minutes to prepare but will supercharge your body. Now you can easily have a great fat-burning breakfast every morning without ever being late to work or school and slaving over the stove!
7. -how to eliminate carbohydrate addiction and chronic hunger and feel truly satisfied after a meal. You may no longer be a slave to food or have the desire to binge!
8. -which carbohydrates are safe and which ones can put you to sleep. You will no longer be tired and sleepy after a meal or snack so that you can be an energy dynamo from sunup to sundown.
9. -how you can eat all that you want and anything you want once a week without blowing the diet! In fact, I encourage this once-a-week "ANYTHING GOES" meal so that you will never be deprived of any foods you truly love!
10.-why diets that are TOO LOW in carbohydrate can limit your energy supply and stop you from losing weight. You can end your frustration with those typical low-carbohydrate diets that can crowd out all the good carbs! No more severe carb restriction. In fact, I encourage you to eat plenty of the right carbohydrates at the right times!
Twelve years of research was required to develop this uniquely satisfying and effective diet plan than can dramatically change the way you look and feel. If you are serious about your life, your looks, and your health, The Fat Burning Diet is a must-read for you. This 256-page softbound classic is complete with easy-to-understand information, exciting menus, delicious recipes, inspiring quotes, and humorous antidotes on the world of weight loss. This is a book you will enjoy, appreciate, and utilize for a lifetime.
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