-This is not a DIET that one can adopt.This is a TEMPORARY CLEANSE.Just as undergoing surgery is not a new way of life but a short-term treatment where you actually leave the operating table.Think of cleansing for a colonoscopy - you don't continually cleanse for the rest of your life - so don't use the excuse that this is a dangerous diet.
-This is very DIFFICULT IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions to the letter.
-The Salt Water Flush is horrible tasting but is ABSOLUTELY necessary in order to remove toxins quickly.Do it even if it is unpleasant for you.
-Buy organic.Use the products as directed.Why would you cleanse to remove toxins and simultaneously add toxins during the cleansing program!
I first tried the "Master Cleanser" diet in 2005 and then again in 2006. Both times, I only made it 3 days because I chose to do this diet on my vacation. That did not sit well with my family who wanted to go out and have nice dinners. So, I tried it this time while still working AND with the use of this book by Peter Glickman.
I highly recommend starting this on the night before starting a 3-day weekend or 3 full days off of work. This is only due to the requirement to be near a bathroom during the flushing phase after coming off of solid foods. I truly mean it when I say that you MUST be near (like 2 feet away) a bathroom the first 3 days.I started it at work and had to leave to go home since I was 50 feet away from the bathroom.
I am starting my fourth cleanse in August.During my cleanse in 2007, I made it the entire 10 days. I lost 16 pounds in these 10 days and could truly feel the detoxification. This book and Peter Glickman's book truly helped me with the symptoms that I would experience as the fast went on day to day. Peter includes a great section of questions and answers that address the majority of the issues that people have in conducting the Master Cleanser fast.
The goal is to detoxify the body to the point that one's tongue returns to a natural bright pink color, as most of us have polluted our bodies to the point that we have a whitish coating on our tongues. I did not make it until my tongue was bright pink, but I did gain the benefit of the 10 day fast. My skin became smooth and soft. My energy felt higher. My concentration was clearer in the second half of the fast.
By days 5, 6, 7, and 8, I must warn that you will definitely feel the effects of detoxification. I described it as having a "headache" over my entire body. As long as one has the Lemonade, one can satisfy any hunger. One will experience yearnings for food whenever one smells others eating.
I loan my multiple copies of the two publications "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs and "Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days, Second Edition" by Peter Glickman to everyone I care about.These two books combined are truly the greatest self-healing guide that I have ever used. I highly recommend this if you are experiencing the effects of poor nutrition, such as obesity, HBP, type II diabetes, gout, etc.
Product Description
This is the first book devoted exclusively to the Master Cleanse since Stanley Burroughs wrote the original book in 1976. Written in a clear, simple style, it is based on the author's coaching hundreds of people, both live and on one of the largest Internet bulletin boards. It covers the widespread nature of obesity, the body's method of handling toxins by storing them in fat cells, how to do the cleanse, what detox symptoms are, what to do about them and what pitfalls to avoid. This book also contains personal experiences from scores of people as they did the cleanse day by, what to expect, which days are the worst, how the cleanse affects women, what ingredients to buy and answers the 70 most frequently asked questions. The author, Peter Glickman, has been a chiropractic clinic director, chelation clinic director (alternative medical procedure for plugged arteries), contributing editor to an online alternative health newsletter and president of two computer software companies.
Publisher of best selling diet books prefers Glickman's LOSE WEIGHT...to Craig Claiborne's
By Thomas Lipscomb
March 23, 2008
As the publisher of the number one bestselling CRAIG CLAIBORNE GOURMET DIET, I have tried both Glickman's and Claiborne's regimes, and Glickman's works far better.
I lost 20 lbs in 10 days, and made a major alteration to my permanent diet that keeps the weight off. The diet is simple, sound, easy to master and execute and it works.
Most diets are about as complicated as IRS instructions for your tax return and one can quickly find an excuse for giving up.
Following up the diet with a sigmoidoscopy to take advantage of the newly cleared intestinal tract should be the ultimate way to detect and prevent colon and intestinal cancers.
Any book this short that is this clear and this good should be in everyone's library.
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