
Review of Francine Prince's New Diet for Life Cookbook (Paperback)

I have made several of Francine Prince's recipes recently and found them to be surprisingly flavorful! She has some mixes that you put together in advance and use them as you cook. They really bring out the flavor of the food without being overwhelming. The concept behind the book is somewhat old-fashioned since it is about 20 years old, but you can't argue with good food!

Product Description

There has been a significant shift in American dietary trends.Cholesterol, sugar, "bad fats," and salt are out; Fiber,complex carbohydrates, and "good fats" are in. As webegin a new millennium, Americans are more conscious of theireating habits than ever before.

Now, from the author of the best selling Dieter'sGourmet Cookbook, comes FRANCINE PRINCE'S NEW DIETFOR LIFE COOKBOOK, a timeless, healthful, gourmet cuisinefor everyone. The New Diet For Life Cookbook isaddressed not to Americans on a restricted diet, but to healthyAmericans who want to stay healthy.

The New Diet for Life Cookbook cuts down oningredients that may be harmful to one's health and steps upingredients that are likely to be beneficial. In supermarketterms, this means carrying home more fruits and vegetables, wholegrain products, lean meat, chicken, and fish (particularly coldwater fish).

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