
Review of The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle - 2nd Edition (Paperback)

This book/DVD set is much more than an informative diet for health conscious people. It is truly a compelling, insightful, common sense approach to addressing the maladies and ailments that so many people suffer from today. This honest look at the faults of the (historic...hysteric?) standard American diet will definitely get your attention. The "Eating" DVD is a powerful statement against the way that most of us think about the food we eat. How can a society be so dumb about what we are doing to our bodies? I exercise and try to watch my weight, but I have really been missing the "big picture". This program puts it into proper perspective. Check it out! The answer is simple and has been right in front of us forever--history and facts are difficult to ignore. I think this program takes up where Dean Ornish left off.

If you are tired of the "band aid" approach to symptoms, leery about taking more medication, concerned about what is actually going into your body, and don't understand why medical research or the government can't seem to come up with solutions: then you need to view this film, read the book and take control of your future. Thank you Mike Anderson for opening my eyes--I think I get it now!

Product Description
The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle describes a weight loss program that is also designed to reverse heart disease and prevent our common cancers, as well as a host of other diseases.
The author explains why Americans cannot lose weight, why modern diets don't work, and shows you how to reach your ideal weight by going back to the old-fashioned foods Americans used to eat, before losing weight was a problem.
The book describes the relationship between diet and disease and explains why the standard American diet is responsible for the two largest killers in America today, heart disease and our common cancers. It also explores the relationship of diet to other diseases and how government policies are promoting diet-related diseases.
The book is bound with a 100-minute DVD, entitled "Eating" which is designed to inform and motivate people to change their diets. Included in the DVD are interviews with doctors from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation who describe how to reverse heart disease by changing to the RAVE Diet. The DVD also interviews two individuals who completely reversed heart disease by following the RAVE Diet. It also includes an interview with Dr. Ruth Heidrich, who treated her breast cancer without the conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation.

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