An invaluable reference source that gives a comprehensive discussion of the differencebetween true food allergies and food intolerance. You will find numerous case histories which help thoroughly explain the ill effectsfood can have on people. This book explores both sides of controversialissues concerning the symptoms caused by food intolerance, and withscientific data supports the idea that many diseases are related to the illeffects of food. There is an in-depth discussion of Rheumatoid Arthritis,IBS, Migraine headaches, and the use of diagnostic testing. A completeoverview of "Bugs in the System" will enlighten all who suspectthey suffer from an overpopulation of yeast or unsuitable bacteria in thegut. It will help you uncover food allergies and food intolerances throughan explicit step by step elimination diet. The authors have dedicated acomplete chapter to explain exactly how to use their three-stage approachto uncover the foods that may be making you feel ill!Stage one of theplan is one month of eating healthy by eliminating foods and drinks thathave a drug-like action on the body, such as coffee, tea, cola, chocolate,cocoa, alcohol, sugar, histamine-rich foods and food additives. Stage twois an elimination diet that excludes the most common allergens and Stagethree is much more restictive and is designed to help those sensitive tomany foods. The authors suggest that your physician performs an examinationto rule out any servious medical problems prior to trying this eliminationdiet. This book is a must for anyone who suffers from chronic, unexplainedhealth problems. It is the most complete source I have read yet concerningthe ill effects of food!
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Food Allergies and Food Intolerance: The Complete Guide to Their Identification and Treatment (Paperback)
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