
Review of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Second Edition (Paperback)

I bought this book thinking that it would offer some new insights on health and diet. It ended up being far from it and it's just the same old stuff that's been written elsewhere. Get some exercise, eat more fruit and veggies and cut way back on the sugars/refined carbs. There, I just saved you the cost of this book. He suggests a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle that has grains at the bottom of its food pyramid. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that stone age humans didn't eat much grain, but that's what's at the bottom of the pyramid and what your are supposed to eat the most of. He uses the research of Alan Keys, research that was nicely discredited by Gary Taubes in his MUCH better and more scientifically researched book "Good Calories, Bad Calories", to demonize saturated fat. Don't waste your time on this one.

Product Description
Health Secrets of the Stone Age draws on ancient body wisdom and recent medical research to explain why we get diseases that were rare until early in the last century, why dieting is genetically determined not to work and why the youngest generation is facing a decline in life expectancy.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago human body chemistry evolved to match an environment that changed extremely slowly. In only a few generations we have made enormous changes in that environment and our bodies have not been able to keep up with those changes. The result is an array of chronic diseases and the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes that threaten the financial stability of our healthcare system.
Fossil evidence makes it clear that Stone Agers were tall and strong, andthose few that evaded life's perils for a half-century or more had noevidence of osteoporosis. Present day hunter-gatherers, who live the samelifestyle and who follow the same subsistence pattern, enter the sixth orseventh decade of life with no obesity, no hypertension, no coronary arterydisease and no diabetes.
It isn't necessary to revert to a primitive lifestyle in order to maintain or to lose weight and to avoid the so-called age-related diseases. HealthSecrets of the Stone Age gives guidelines for a healthy lifestyle that arenot difficult, dull or demanding.Strange foods, challenging recipes andexpensive potions have no place in this simple, sensible approach to a long,vigorous life.

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