The authors also debunk the 40-30-30 method of eatingwhich is very popular right now, and without mentioning him by name, BarrySears "Zone" approach.
The only real criticism, which does notdetract from the subject matter, is the layout of the book.Too many"sidebar" type inserts are included which made it impossible toread the book in a flowing manner.Additionally, much of that informationwould have been better included in an appendix.You also have to look forthe information in more than one place, when a more thoughtful approachwould have included that information in one table.For example, dietaryfiber content, which is important, is contained in one table, while thenumber of calories and energy density (the main focus of the book) are inanother.This information could have and should have been combined in onetable, which would have made the book a much better resource.
If you havefood allergies, or sensitivites, or are required to make restrictions forother reasons, you are on your own as to what foods to eliminate from theauthors' recommendations.That is something outside the scope of thisbook.
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