
Review of Strong, Slim, and 30: Eat Right, Stay Young, Feel Great, and Look Fabulous! (Hardcover)

One thing that I must say about this book is that you have to really be ready to change your diet in order to truly see the benefits. With that being said, once you are ready to commit to it, you will without a doubt reap the benefits of this plan. I was amazed by how easy it was to follow. I loved how she dumbed it down for me and just gave me options to choose for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks from a list as opposed to count calories or carbs or anything else for that matter. I've only been doing it for a few weeks, but I have more energy when I workout, I sleep better, and I've seen enough positive results in such a shorttime to keep me faithful to the plan. One of the things that surprised me the most was how it curbed my cravings for fast food and the other things that have sabotaged my efforts in the past. If you're truly ready for something to change your diet and your way of life, I highly recommend this book.

Product Description

30 is the new 20! An award-winning nutritionist and health journalist reveals how to look and feel fantastic at 30 and for a lifetime

Mojito or mineral water? All-nighter at the dance club or an evening at home with the baby? As a fabulous woman entering your thirties, these choices become more important. You can no longer get away with what you could in your twenties--your body can reveal the after-effects of too much fun, or too little exercise. But drastic measures don't need to be taken--you simply need the right information to keep yourself at your strong, sexy best.

In Strong, Slim, and 30, nationally known nutritionist Lisa Drayer discusses the physical and metabolic changes that occur in thirty-something women and shows, for the first time, how to optimize these changes for great health and stunning looks. She presents a specific nutritional plan for boosting metabolism, losing weight, preventing disease, maintaining beauty, and preparing for pregnancy, as well as how best to enjoy the social life of these busy years.

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