
Review of Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative (Paperback)

I came across this book by a (so-called) fluke although in reality--it is a timely answer to a 32 yr-old prayer.I read the book with great enthusiasm because my current doctor had put me on an elimination diet todetoxify my liver.No sooner had he done this than my skin began to clearup.When I read this book, the author says that many people initially findrelief to psoriasis when their doctors put them on elimination diets forother reasons.Thus the undisputable proof that diet and nutrition haveeverything to do with your health.When I finished the book, I gave it tomy doctor who was extremely open to its suggestions.We immediately put 2or 3 of the book's suggestions to work in addition to what I was alreadydoing.Even though we are in the middle of winter (the worst time of yearfor the psioratic), my skin continues to clear and is soft and supple.Ihave since told everyone I know who suffers with this skin disorder, aboutthis book.Please, please--give this book a chance.Improvements aregenerally noticed within 6-8 weeks.You need to give your skin a chance toheal underneath and then make its way to the surface where you willeventually see it.The first thing I noticed was that it stoppedspreading!Diet is rather strict while the skin is healing--then you canplay around with what works for you and more importantly, what doesn't.Inthe meantime, stop eating tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, peppers ofany kind (except black pepper), vinegar and alcohol--and if you smoke,either quit or cut down to 3-4 cigarettes a day.Tobacco is a"nightshade" and exceptionally toxic to the psioratic.Increaseyour fruits and vegetables.No red meat (including pork).Limit all dairyproducts to nonfat or 1% milk fat, and even then, limit your consumption. And (obviously) limit or eliminate sugar.Cut out gluten products (pasta,breads, cakes and cereals).Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil each morningand evening--and also two capsules of Omega 3 fish oil capsules, bothmorning and evening.Keep flaxseed oil in refrigerator and Omega 3 fishoil caps in freezer.These few guidelines will get you started until youcan read this book.Sounds like alot, but clear skin will be worth it!

Product Description
A leading researcher shares natural remedies for psoriasis

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, at least seven million people in the U.S. and more than 100 million worldwide suffer from this chronic skin disease. This book outlines Dr. Pagano's natural, drug-free treatment regimen that can alleviate, control, and even heal psoriasis without steroid creams, tar baths, injections, or ultraviolet treatments. Healing Psoriasis outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle and includes case histories, photos, recipes, and a chapter on eczema.

John O. A. Pagano, DC (Englewood Cliffs, NJ), is a chiropractic physician who has conducted psoriasis research for more than 40 years. He has been a featured guest on CNBC, ABC, and Health Talk with Dr. Ronald Hoffman, and his work has been featured in Alternative Medicine and Dermatology Times. He has lectured on five continents.

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