I have been on all kinds of diets before (who hasn't) and every time some Doctor tried to explain to concepts to me they generally lasted only short periods since the darn diets just didn't make any sense, and it just felt like pieces were missing in the overall puzzle of chemistry in they body related to proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, chloesterol, good bad etc etc.....
What a great surprise this book was to me. Not only does it tie all the pieces together and explain its' diet as the'Sugarbusters way of eating is roughly 40 percent carbohydrates 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat, it is a balanced diet'thatmakes overall sense.....
The authors go to great detail to explain the functions of the pancreas, the purposes of insulin, glucanol and exactly what happens when you eat a high protein meal vs a high cargohydrate meal....
For example, the book explains that "The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how much of a specific amount of ingested carbohydrate (usually 50 grams) will cause a persons blood sugar to rise and remain elevated over time relative to the effect on blood sugar of the same amount of pure glucose (which is assigned a GI of 100)... NOW HERE's THE SHOCKER FOR ME the book continues that to "compare the potatoes blood stimulating effect realtive to table sugar is that it would take 118 grams of sugar to have the same impact as one potato. That is 29 1/2 teaspoons of sugar ... WOW all that from one miserable white potato ....
From a historical perspective the book explains that sugar is not even mentioned in the bible and is a modern phenomena dating back only to 500 AD .... obviously the authors have the hots against processed sugars, flour, white potatoes, even white rice (surprising to me cause I thought that rice was a salvation for me .... WRONG) .... The authors also do something that I would have thought was ABSOLUTE BLASPHEMY and even HERECY in that they talk about the famous US goverment food pyramid, that even my dog knows by heart, and advise the reader the this pyramid was formed after many battles with the sugar lobby, the flour lobby, the potato lobby, meat people, egg people, milk people etc etc etc ... needless to say the resulting pyramid is more than suspect, for lack of using stronger words .......
Ok .. so you get the picture ... and as an added bonus this book contains som 100 pages of recepies from restaurants around the US that are in line with the Sugar Busters diet ....
This is one FABULOUS book that is well written, easy to understand, clear cut (don't really need a PhD in chemistry to understand it)and I feel is a definive answer to all those bits and pieces of diet information and stupid, misleading and politically correct food pyramids that I have been exposed to over my 'sugar eating' lifetime.....
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