
Review of What to Eat if You Have Cancer (revised): Healing Foods that Boost Your Immune System (Paperback)

I purchased this book for my sister in January of 2000,two days after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 small-cell lung cancer. She began chemotherapy treatments the next week, and simultaneously begin eatingexclusively through the plan in this book.Throughout the course of hertreatments which have just ended this past month (May 2000) she never oncegot even the least bit nauseated and her energy level allowed her to remainactive, missing only three days of work the entire course of treatment. Her blood levels remained consistently "at the high end ofnormal", she was never hospitalized nor required blood transfusions.She never lost her appetite,in fact, she eats what seems to be continually, and she lost approximately 20-lbs, which was due to better eating habitsfollowing the plan in this book.She ever once wavered from the plan inthis book, everything was done to precision.Her last oncology visit, aweek ago today, showed the cancer in two places had disappeared.The tumorin her lung had shrunk from 8 centimeters to 3. She begins radiation nextweek, which her oncologist says "we are going to shrink the remnantsof the tumor into nothing but scar tissue".Her doctors and staff areamazed at the way she has accepted the chemo & how she has totallyturned this around, which she attributes to her strong faith in God, strongfamily support and this book that provided the tool of nutrition.She hasnever looked more radiant and healthy in all her "50-something"years. What began as a very dismal prognosis, now has her doctorsconstantly quizzing her about how she has stayed in such marvelouscondition.Full remission is on the horizon, and we owe alot of it to thisbook.It was a God-send, and I highly recommend it.

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