Walk into a bookstore and you can be overwhelmed with the HEALTH information thrown at you . . . particularly if you are interested in understanding how you can play a more active role in your own prevention,treatment and cure of disease. The Natural Pharmacy gives you just theright balance of useful information without insulting your intelligence orburying you in biochemistry. The book is organized around health concerns -in English, not medical-ese, the authors provide you with dietary &lifestyle changes that maybe helpful before they tell you about otherapproaches - including nutritional supplements and herbs.They cover sideeffects and interactions as well. They also provide a tremendous resourcefor insomniacs by listing more than 3,500 references!You can also look upspecific nutritional supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies as well. Anicely done work!
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The Natural Pharmacy: Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine (Paperback)
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