I really have to disagree with Yvonne's comment "But obese people do not start being overweight due to dieting!"As a child I always enjoyed eating, but Iwas not overweight.In fact, I didn't think too much about food at all.I went on my first diet at age 15, with the goal of losing 5 lbs.After I lost5 lbs by eating alot of salad and little else, I could fit into all my jeans and a fewpeoplecommented on how good I looked.Iwas hooked.....Ilost another 5 lbs. and looked great (probably too thin, but I thought Ilookedgreat!), but the constant restricting and hunger made me start to obsess about food!I would end a 2 day fast by eating an entire bag of cookies....Myfirst diet was the beginning of a 20 year cycle of fasting and compulsive eating that left me 75 lbs overweight.I've been in lots of Compulsive Eating support groups over the years and I've heard the same story.If you put a child ina room filled with candy and junk food and tell her to eat whatever she wants, thefood will quickly lose much of it's appeal......or tell her nottoeat one bite and see how importantthatfood becomes....
This book addresses many of the issues behind compulsive eating, and with lots of work on my part,it made me sane again (and 60lbs lighter).
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