In the midst of pain and not knowing what medical calamity would next happen to her, Shirley has devoted her life to making the most of what she has. Her extraordinary intelligence (being at the very top of her class) is topped only by her determination to succeed and not to allow the constant unwanted companion of pain, the harshness of blindness and the inconvenience of confinement to a wheelchair determine the course of her life.
With her subtitle, "A Young Woman's Autobiography of a 20-Year Tale of Trials and Tribulations," Shirley has clearly illustrated the details of the patience required for learning to do tasks most of us take for granted. While she had her vision, the circumstances of her life have probably made her more aware than most of us are of the some of the very simple pleasures of life. I practically cried when she wrote of the beauty of a pattern of fabric, for example! Shirley has used this book to remind us to count our blessings!
The 700 pages are divided into 91 (yes, 91!) chapters, plus an epilogue. Approximately the last 40 pages are wonderful black-and-white pictures of the author and her mother. The print size is larger than usual; perhaps this is a conscious choice the author made because of her visual problems. While the book is an autobiography, it's written in the third person, making it seem more like a biography. While I would never doubt the writing talents and skills of Miss Cheng, some of the descriptive narrative did bog me down in a few places. All in all, though, it's a good book.
Since early childhood, Shirley Cheng has had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a crippling and debilitating disease. She's had more pain in her twenty years of life than most people have in a lifetime, but remains a very happy individual. Shirley is the author of two other books. Her plans include surgery to restore her vision and earning multiple degrees from Harvard.
The Revelation of a Star's Endless Shine truly lives up to its title.
Product Description
Replete with fifty photographs, The Revelation of a Star's Endless Shine unveils the gripping, never before told tale of child prodigy Shirley Cheng--a blind and physically disabled victim and survivor of severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and more so of falsehood in American medical system--and her loving mother, Juliet Cheng. Enter a world of terrors, struggles, dreams, and triumphs in this true life story spanning twenty years as mother and daughter travel the world seeking care and compassion. From Shirley's painful diagnosis of JRA as an infant and the 1990 international news of Juliet's victory over injustice in her custody case, to their acceptance of a harsh and devastating fate, and the elation of Shirley's various academic and personal achievements, this autobiography will leave the reader inspired and thinking twice about life's true values and meanings.
At last, the truth of her life story is told through the eyes of Shirley as she brings you to live through all the hardships and exquisite happiness she has gone through from childhood to a blooming young woman. Experience her inexhaustible fortitude, sheer strength, and tenacious spirit as she reveals her endless shine.
'Shirley Cheng's inspirational book, The Revelation of a Star's Endless Shine, offers hope and motivation to overcome challenges.After reading this stellar expose of the daily sufferings of a young innocentchild who was championed by the unconditional love of her mother, you will understand unequivocally that life is not what happens to you, it is how you respond to it. A brilliant treatise to triumphing over turmoil. Buy it and be revitalized,' wrote Cynthia Brian, radio/TV personality andNY Times best selling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul.
'Why is it possible in America, the land of the free, that a parent cannot disagree with a doctor's recommendation for treatment? Shirley Cheng offers a look into her world providing disturbing truths about America's medical and school systems. Shirley's unique way of writing further provides readers with a window to her intelligence, insight, and nature. Her matter-of-fact, original style and ability to prove a point is powerful. A disturbing, and enlightening read. Authentic, honest, and profound. Will change reader's outlook,' wrote Christina Francine for Reviewer's Bookwatch on Midwest Book Review.
'Shirley learned the hard way how indifferent some people could be when it came to the suffering of others. That did not deter her from reaching for the stars. Every day, no matter how she felt, she would try to smile. With her there was no such word as 'quit.' Each time Shirley's mother had to take her to the hospital for some kind of treatment, she would always find a way to bounce back and be ready to go on with her life. Shirley showed great fortitude when it came to pain. Even though she had to fight an uphill battle for twenty years, her attitude was to try to see the good in others and never try to judge anyone in anything said or done,' reviewed by Wanda Maynard from Sime~Gen - Reviews. 'This book will capture the heart of the reader and move you to tears as you travel down life's road with Shirley Cheng, a young author with a passion for life. Truly a star with endless shine. Well done, Shirley.'
'What makes Cheng's story so compelling is not just the debilitating disease of JRA but of the struggles she and her mother, Juliet, encountered with the medical and social service system. These systems demanded a regiment of treatment Juliet didn't believe was appropriate for her daughter. The result was extreme conflict where Juliet was taken to court in the attempt to force the treatment on Shirley.
'This is the story of a mother's dedication and commitment to her child, and it is most of all the story of a strong, brave and determined young woman to live her life to the fullest, even with all its limitations. Cheng dreams big dreams and has the tenacity to make them come true,' wrote Andrea Sisco from Armchair Interviews. 'This heartwarming story is one you'll want to read.'
'It's a story of amazing courage and human strengths, for someone to achieve so much, after having being deprived of so much is an awe-inspiring feat,' commented editor, teacher, author Angela Hooper, Spain.
Shirley Cheng, born in 1983, was diagnosed with severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at eleven months old. Due to years of hospitalization, she received no schooling until age eleven. Having achieved grade level in all areas after merely 180 days in a special education class in elementary school, she was transferred to a regular sixth grade class in middle school. Unfortunately, she lost her eyesight at the age of seventeen and received her high school equivalency diploma at 19. She did the entire GED exam, including mathematical calculations, graphs, and an essay, without Braille or vision, but still received a special recognition award for achieving a very high score. She hopes to earn science doctorates from Harvard University after a successful eye surgery.
Shirley wrote this autobiography when she was twenty years old using a screen reader on the computer, and self-published the book at the age of twenty-one, formatting the entire manuscript on her own. She is also the author of Daring Quests of Mystics (ISBN: 1-4116-5664-4), and Dance with Your Heart: Tales and Poems That the Heart Tells (ISBN: 1-4116-1858-0).
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