I cannot express what a blessing this book is in our lives.My husband's arthritis began at only 22 years of age and it was progressing fast.No one in my family has this disease and I did not know where to turn except a specialist.We saw a specialist for a few years, and I always asked was there nothing more we could do to cure the arthritis?I could not believe that he would have to be on medication for the rest of his life.Since he was in his early twenties, this would mean years and years of constant, daily medication.Of course this would eventually mean problems with other parts of his body due to medication intake.I still did not know where to go to find a cure rather than just an immune supressant.Then, he came home one day after an appointment with his doctor involving a new set of x-rays.He was now being told that his bones were starting to be eaten away and bones in his left hand had most likely fused together.He was still only 27 at this point!I could not imagine what permanent consequences would come over the next years and I could see him not being able to play with our little boy or do anything with his hands in the future.This pushed me to stop at nothing to find the cure.I knew it had to be out there, but where?After tons of research and reading, I found the cure!!!I cannot begin to express my thanks to the author and her research and her sharing with the world.I just can't understand why the medical community does not know, or if they know, why they don't share the knowledge.My husband is in college and this very night was studying Rheumatoid Arthritis in his anatomy class.They have NO information on how diet and food sensitivities can cause RA and they state they know of no cure or really good medications.It just blows me away that millions of people suffer when the cure is out there, available, and really not difficult.If you or someone you know has RA, please get a hold of this book!I was unsure about the cost, but boy am I glad I tried it out anyhow!We found that corn is his sensitivity, which makes cooking a little more tricky at first, but once we figured out what he can and cannot eat, we are doing great!It took a little effort in the beginning to find the ingredients that will work, and we had to adjust recipes, but he eats totally normal.In fact, we all eat more healthy now.And I don't mean bran and tasteless food.We eat everything we ate before, but now it is fresh and from scratch.He has been off ALL medication for almost 6 months now and we are on our way to complete recovery.His right hand is totally normal now, and we are soon going to try the recommended trigger point method to fix his "fusion".The info here WORKS!!!!!!It takes dedication and a short lifestyle adjustment, but what a blessing everything in this book has been.An answer to many prayers!THANK YOU!!!
Product DescriptionThis book is newly revised and updated with important updates that make healing from arthritis even easier and quicker. It has been used with great success by many people with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other forms of arthritis, to heal themselves.
It provides practical, detailed information that is critical for the successful healing of arthritis, but that has never before been collected in one place.
The information is organized into a well-researched, easy-to-follow plan for getting well again and includes case histories of people with dramatic and lasting recoveries.
It focuses not just on coping with the symptoms of arthritis, but on correcting its underlying causes using proven alternative medicine and pain management techniques.
Anyone who is serious about healing from arthritis needs this book.
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Conquering Arthritis: What Doctors Don't Tell You Because They Don't Know (Perfect Paperback)
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