This is more than a book about a fat man. It is a book that chronicles the lives of Richard and his wife, Mary. As descendants of poor African American slaves they both grew up on whole food diets common to all of our ancestors, all raised within a few miles, always without harmful chemical pesticides or hormones and never cooked in a microwave. As children they both enjoyed vibrant health, but as adults they find themselves statistics in the current obesity epidemic, wondering how each generation of their families grew sicker earlier in life than the previous one.
The Morrises have clearly been around the block, having tried every variation of popular starvation diet that assumes fat people are "overnourished" and therefore focuses solely on dramatically cutting calories. From Atkins to vegetarianism, the Morrises tried many diets to lose weight. But dieting always led to some kind of rebound effect, which is to be expected when you deprive yourself of nutrients. Then one day the Morrises had a revelation - perhaps returning to their culinary roots held the answer.
In his book, Morris provides us with his (and Mary's) 10 steps for success. But to make these 10 steps work, he debunks the many myths he clung to for over a decade. Myths which undoubtedly lead to his battle with obesity. Amongst my favorites are: we have no time to cook; we can exercise off any unhealthy foods that we eat; changing what we eat is hard; and we need to take baby steps if we're going to make any lasting dietary changes.
One feature I like is that he shows the difference in approach he and his wife take to their newfound way of eating. While he is a computer techie, who loves to track his progress on gadgets, Mary can't be bothered, yet they have the same results -- improved health and reduced weight.
We all can learn a lot from Richard Morris whether we've faced a weight problem or not. Morris shares a very human story which begins with humiliation, mires in frustrations, finds hope and ends in victory. Morris demonstrates the power we all have within us to change the course of our lives when we quiet our minds long enough to listen to what our bodies are telling us all the time. A Life Unburdened is a must read for anyone seeking inspiration to turn their lives around once and for all. It is absolutely brilliant!
Product Description
A Life Unburdened chronicles the amazing transformation of Richard Morris, whose life of personal and public pain--a life burdened by more than 400 pounds--undergoes an amazing transformation as Richard discovers the redemptive power of traditional foods. Along with his Ten Steps for Success, Richard explains how the Total Food Index (TFI) can help you win the war against overweight and poor health.
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