
Review of "I'm, Like, SO Fat!": Helping Your Teen Make Healthy Choices about Eating and Exercise in a Weight-Obsessed World (Paperback)

This book addresses the struggle in our society between the social pushes for weight loss, and the many driving forces backing our ever so evident obesity problem. The author writes in a casual manner displaying her experience as a mother herself, but supports her ideas well with research she has encountered on a professional front. Although the title is quite bold and may mislead some to believe the book to be a self-help guide to losing weight, it is not quite that, but rather on the contrary. The book interestingly explores the many apparent pulls in our surroundings encompassed by the broad topics of weight and self-image while not necessarily pushing for dieting as a means for dealing with weight issues. A must read for anyone interested in the prevalence of these topics and especially a good book for parents of teenagers.

Product Description
Hit the gym for a workout--but sit for hours at your computer. Supersize your value meals--but downsize your waistline. Today's media-saturated teenagers are bombarded with mixed messages that distort their self-image and lead many to overeat and others to starve themselves. When "I feel fat" becomes a teen's common refrain, how can worried parents respond constructively? With "I'm, Like, SO Fat!" Dr. Dianne Neumark-Sztainer shows parents how to strike the difficult balance between bolstering self-esteem and offering constructive advice. Drawing on her landmark study, Project EAT (Eating Among Teens), and her experience as a mother of four, Neumark-Sztainer offers a wealth of science-based, practical ideas for instilling healthy eating and exercise habits, educating teens about nutrition and portion size, and talking about body image. Here is a rock-solid foundation that parents everywhere can build on to help their teens stay fit, eat well, and feel good about their looks in a world where too-perfect bodies are used to sell everything from cosmetic surgery to fast food.

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