I should probably wait until I've lost the rest of my flab before writing this review, but I'm so very pleased with the loss I've already achieved. I've had a weight problem all my life and have successfully lost largeamounts of weight(over 50 lbs.) several times in the past - gained it back,with extra to boot.However, I am now 64 years old and for the past fiveyears have been unable to lose - I stuck with the weight plans that hadworked before but the weight clung to me like glue.I had this book on mybookshelf )among many others) and decided to give it a go.I had dismissedit before because Dr. Giller's program would not allow me too many thingsthat I believed I had to have to enjoy living, such as sandwiches, sweets,coffee, diet colas, etc.I started it six weeks ago and have lost 23 lbsso far - 50 more lbs. to go and I know that I will lose them.This time isdifferent, I absolutely am NOT hungry, I have no cravings for sweets at allwhich is amazing to me.I have not been able to exercise yet due to asevere tendonitis in my knee, but it too is getting better and will start awalking program soon.Honestly this book is not just another diet program- it is THE diet program for those that cannot lose weight on just lowcalories anymore.Dr. Giller not only gives a way to lose weight, butexplains why his program works.I truly feel that this is the way for meand I won't be another fat old woman limping around on overburdened joints. I thank you Dr. Giller.
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