I lost 9 lbs. my first week on the Hilton Head Over-35 Diet, 6 lbs. the second week and 4 lbs. the third week.The meals were delicious.I did follow the menu plan.I felt wonderful:Light and full of energy.I wasvery much impressed with the immediate results and they are long-lasting. You will not gain back the weight you lose when you resume normal eating. He includes a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains,and some meat in this well-thought-out plan.Exercise is also key in thisdiet, but all you have to do is walk...The menus and recipes are a littletough but they are well worth the effort.My family and friends love mefor introducing them to the diet.
Product DescriptionFrom the bestselling author of The Hilton Head Metabolism Diet comes the only complete diet system that addresses the special problems of age-related weight gain and helps everyone over 35 beat the "fat trap" for good. HC: Warner.
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The Hilton Head Over-35 Diet (Mass Market Paperback)
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