
Review of Eat Right for Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia (Paperback)

I admit it: I was suspicious of this diet.Before examining this book, I thought the diet sounded very "fad-like"(and I remain wholly unconvinced by the personality-trait correspondences which are NOT essential to the scientific basis of the diet, just a curiosity). I read negative reviews and their justifications.What I noticed was that most of these reviews sounded a lot like the criticisms leveled at the Atkins diet, a diet that does work for a lot of people (though not all--this book makes clear why) that have since been disproven by double-blind studies.A number noted that d'Adamo's theories weren't backed up by scientific research.Fair enough; this book cites double-blind studies and peer-reviewed research extensively, far more so than the Eat Right and Cook Right books.It also fine-tunes some of the earlier findings.This is ongoing research, something you just don't see in proponents of "fad" diets.D'Adamo has clearly been listing to his critics, and makes every attempt to clarify, fine-tune, and explain how all of this works.
I picked this book--and the diet--up when I browsed it in the store and noted that the medical problems in my family charted almost exactly with the risk factors for blood type.(Blood type correlations with disease have actually been established in peer-reviewed medical journals for a long time, although they aren't much talked about.)I tried the diet.I'm about three weeks in.I've lost 10 pounds, my digestive problems are much improved, I feel more energetic, I don't crave sweets, and -- the most convincing thing for me, because I wasn't looking for it and therefore can't attribute it to the placebo effect -- the morning stiffness I've had for 30 years is gone.It takes at least a week for things to kick in--especially if one has increased intestinal permeability due to intestinal damage--but it does, and for many,myself included, the results are quite profound.
I am not a scientist, nor am I claiming that d'Adamo has everything right.There are some typos in the book, although most misprints are corrected on the website (www.dadamo.com)--hard to find, but worth looking.This is ongoing research, however. D'Adamo also uses that site to update new findings on food compatibility.I think this diet could easily be used in conjunction with others appropriate to type. For instance, type O people will do well with Atkins as long as they cut out the wheat gluten and dairy; people with food allergies may have to limit intake of more foods than he lists.He suggests 70-80% compliance works for most people.
Even the critics suggest that this diet isn't likely to harm anyone.I fully expect some version of this to be exonerated as fully as, if not more than, Atkins.In the meantime, this is a great resource, it's interesting reading even for the healthy, and it is more likely to engage a reader like myself who likes to see detailed scientific justification before jumping into a health plan.

Product Description
Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo has established himself as the world's most popular and respected authority on the connection between blood type and eating, cooking and living. Eat Right 4 Your Type, Cook Right 4 Your Type, and Live Right 4 Your Type have created an international phenomenon.

Now comes the essential reference book to answer all your questions about conditions, herbs, supplements, medication and food. From asthma to sore throat, from cancer to thrombosis, this guide recommends treatment for hundreds of conditions, citing rigorous studies that detail the frequency and severity of the conditions for each blood type.

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Review of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, Fourth Edition (Paperback)

The only reason I ordered this book was for an online course I was taking.It was so much better than the ebook. The only reason I gave it 4 stars was that it took longer to ship than most things I get from Amazon. Other than that it was exactly what I needed.

Product Description
The fourth edition of Nutrition and Diet Therapy continues to be the only self-instructional nutrition and diet therapy text available in its field. Ideal for self-paced or distance-learning courses, the text's unique modular format contains practice exercises and post-tests throughout, allowing students to master one section of the material before moving to the next. All modules have been updated to reflect the most current information available on normal and therapeutic nutrition.
Nutrition and Diet Therapy, Fourth Edition is an invaluable resource for students majoring in the health professions such as associate degree nursing (ADN), licensed practical nursing (LPN/LVN), dietetic technicians (DTR), dietetic assistants, and other students for whom nutrition and diet therapy is required or encouraged

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Review of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Second Edition (Paperback)

I bought this book thinking that it would offer some new insights on health and diet. It ended up being far from it and it's just the same old stuff that's been written elsewhere. Get some exercise, eat more fruit and veggies and cut way back on the sugars/refined carbs. There, I just saved you the cost of this book. He suggests a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle that has grains at the bottom of its food pyramid. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that stone age humans didn't eat much grain, but that's what's at the bottom of the pyramid and what your are supposed to eat the most of. He uses the research of Alan Keys, research that was nicely discredited by Gary Taubes in his MUCH better and more scientifically researched book "Good Calories, Bad Calories", to demonize saturated fat. Don't waste your time on this one.

Product Description
Health Secrets of the Stone Age draws on ancient body wisdom and recent medical research to explain why we get diseases that were rare until early in the last century, why dieting is genetically determined not to work and why the youngest generation is facing a decline in life expectancy.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago human body chemistry evolved to match an environment that changed extremely slowly. In only a few generations we have made enormous changes in that environment and our bodies have not been able to keep up with those changes. The result is an array of chronic diseases and the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes that threaten the financial stability of our healthcare system.
Fossil evidence makes it clear that Stone Agers were tall and strong, andthose few that evaded life's perils for a half-century or more had noevidence of osteoporosis. Present day hunter-gatherers, who live the samelifestyle and who follow the same subsistence pattern, enter the sixth orseventh decade of life with no obesity, no hypertension, no coronary arterydisease and no diabetes.
It isn't necessary to revert to a primitive lifestyle in order to maintain or to lose weight and to avoid the so-called age-related diseases. HealthSecrets of the Stone Age gives guidelines for a healthy lifestyle that arenot difficult, dull or demanding.Strange foods, challenging recipes andexpensive potions have no place in this simple, sensible approach to a long,vigorous life.

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Review of The Body Knows... How to Stay Young: Healthy-Aging Secrets from a Medical Intuitive (Paperback)

yes, staying young and alert is mostly up to us, and Carolyn Sutherland makes it clear that we are responsible and able to maintain vibrant health and vibrant mind as we age... by treating ourselves with the right food and attitude. Very clearly written, pleasant to use, it's a companion book definitely. Thanks Carolyn !
Emmeline Craig

Product Description

Is it possible to actually slow down the aging process? Health educator and medical intuitive Caroline Sutherland says yes; and when you look at this vital, energetic woman who's in her mid-60s, you can tell she has a few secrets that are worth sharing.

This is a book that certainly comes along at the right time: With much of the population moving into retirement age, and billions of dollars being spent annually on vitamins and anti-aging therapies, men and women are eagerly seeking healthy approaches during their later years.

Men and women are often wary about what might befall them as the numbers tick away. Fortunately, Caroline has answers for the chronic degenerative breakdown that leads to mobility issues, decrease in hearing and vision, osteoporosis, and arthritis-not to mention memory loss. With her expert wisdom and sparkling sense of humor, Caroline covers the four components of a vibrant-aging program, showing in the process that the body has a phenomenal capacity to repair.

This book is perfect for you if you want to live a long and vivacious life and fulfill your destiny!

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Body Knows... How to Stay Young: Healthy-Aging Secrets from a Medical Intuitive (Paperback)

Review of Nutrition for Women, Second Edition: How Eating Right Can Help You Look and Feel Your Best (Paperback)

I'd been a pizza-and-macaroni-vegetarian from age 16 to 21, then I went back to meat because I was so bored, I suppose.I discovered cooking a couple years later, and was experimenting with thai, meditteranean, and french food by 25.I baked bread, I bought brie, I tried new things.Then I had my nutrition revelation, and I've been learning ever since.

About 5 years ago, I was interested in homeopathic medicine--"it's like astrology for your body!" I said to anyone who would listen to me ramble.But then I started to think more practically--I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars on homeopathic remedies for my every ailment and neurosis.I'm already eating food.What should I really be eating to give me every chance to be healthy?

This is the book I picked up.Following its recommendations, I tested my vitals--cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.I was just fine, really great, in fact--my total cholesterol was 171 and my HDL was much higher than my LDL.But I soldiered on, figuring that was because I was young (I was 28).

One thing I remember specifically is that I took Somer's advice and wrote down those of her recommendations I was planning to fulfill.I took a look at that list a little while ago, and I did most things (except eating two to three cups of dairy a day, about which, at the time I said, "I'll try, but I doubt it!").For example, I'm eating at least 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day--at the time, I seriously thought it would be impossible.I vowed to eat half of my grains as whole grains--now I rarely eat refined white flour or rice at all, and certainly never cook them at home.There were several others, and I've incorporated them into my daily life since then, and I have to say, I'm proud.

I had my numbers checked for the first time since then just this week.My cholesterol has gone down *40 points* from 171 to 131 in five years.My HDL to LDL is 1.7 (drs figure it differently--my LDL to HDL is .5, and my Total C to HDL is 1.7).My cholesterol counselor called me a show-off and told me at least four times to keep eating exactly the way I was eating.

Dr. Somer, thank you so much.I had no idea how to be healthy--now I have no idea how to enjoy junk.I've been overhauled.

(I'm resolved now to get some more dairy in my diet!)

Click Here to see more reviews about: Nutrition for Women, Second Edition: How Eating Right Can Help You Look and Feel Your Best (Paperback)


Review of Eater's Choice Low-Fat Cookbook (Paperback)

I bought this book at the recommendation of a nutritionalist.It is filled with good ideas and good recipes.I recommend it.

Product Description
More than 300 scrumptious, heart-healthy recipes from the kitchen of the best-selling authors of Choose to Lose and Eater"s Choice. Long acclaimed as the nation"s leading authorities on healthful eating, Dr. Ron and Nancy Goor have assembled, for the first time under one cover, the finest recipes in their repertoire: appetizers, soups, salads, main courses, and desserts so delicious you won"t believe they are actually good for you. To help you monitor dietary fat and cholesterol, each recipe is accompanied by a full analysis of calories and fat, and every one bears the user-friendly stamp that runs through all the Goors" books-and has made them million-copy bestsellers. The instructions are foolproof and clear, so even beginners will have no trouble turning our luscious, heart-healthy meals. Techniques have been streamlined, prep times have been minimized, and ingredients are available in any supermarket. Everyone can now eat well.

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Review of Francine Prince's New Diet for Life Cookbook (Paperback)

I have made several of Francine Prince's recipes recently and found them to be surprisingly flavorful! She has some mixes that you put together in advance and use them as you cook. They really bring out the flavor of the food without being overwhelming. The concept behind the book is somewhat old-fashioned since it is about 20 years old, but you can't argue with good food!

Product Description

There has been a significant shift in American dietary trends.Cholesterol, sugar, "bad fats," and salt are out; Fiber,complex carbohydrates, and "good fats" are in. As webegin a new millennium, Americans are more conscious of theireating habits than ever before.

Now, from the author of the best selling Dieter'sGourmet Cookbook, comes FRANCINE PRINCE'S NEW DIETFOR LIFE COOKBOOK, a timeless, healthful, gourmet cuisinefor everyone. The New Diet For Life Cookbook isaddressed not to Americans on a restricted diet, but to healthyAmericans who want to stay healthy.

The New Diet for Life Cookbook cuts down oningredients that may be harmful to one's health and steps upingredients that are likely to be beneficial. In supermarketterms, this means carrying home more fruits and vegetables, wholegrain products, lean meat, chicken, and fish (particularly coldwater fish).

Click Here to see more reviews about: Francine Prince's New Diet for Life Cookbook (Paperback)

Review of The Wine and Food Lover's Diet: 28 Days of Delicious Weight Loss (Paperback)

I started Dr. Tirman's weight loss plan in January.Following the rapid weight loss plan of eating a protein + 2 super low glycemic foods (such as roasted chicken with butter sauteed mushrooms and grilled asparagus with grated parmesan cheese) AND wine, I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks.Even after the rapid weight loss weeks when I was doing the maintenance plan, I shed 8 more lbs by following the book's principles, and am still losing weight.I worked out every once in awhile during the first 2 months and only recently started exercising more regularly.I even occasionally eat high glycemic foods such as bread and rice (because I would NOT be able to give up sushi), andstill have not gained any weight.Just pair your higher glycemic foods with low glycemic foods or make sure your next meal falls well within the plan's guidelines.

This is a great, easy to follow plan.The recipes are simple and delicious, and if you know the underlying principles, you can make dishes that aren't in the book, and eat out anywhere.This weight loss and maintenance plan is definitley a lifestyle change and not a fad "diet."

Product Description
Eat good food, drink a little wine, lose weight! Sounds too good to be true? Not with The Wine and Food Lover's Diet. Created by a sports doctor with a background in nutrition, this is a diet that combines healthful eating with a love of eating. Imagine a meal of bacon-topped arugula salad, pecan-crusted chicken paired with the perfect glass of wine, and closing with chocolate soufflé or some ice cream and a cup of coffee-and then, even better, looking at the decrease on the scales the next morning. Dr. Phillip Tirman's 28-day plan sheds the pounds and the diet angst. He knows that most diets fail because they're based on restricting the foods everyone loves the most and they're impractical for today's busy lifestyles. So he has developed a lifetime eating plan based on satisfaction, not deprivation. The key to feeling slimmer and healthier? It's the surefire combo that is the foundation of the diet: one protein + two low-glycemic carbs = success. Using this formula, Dr. Tirman has created a menu plan to jump-start weight loss. He clearly and simply describes why high-glycemic carbs promote weight gain, while low-glycemic carbs do the opposite. Included are handy lists of beneficial Savvy Carbs and Super Savvy Carbs, which make it easy to tailor the diet to anyone's tastes-plus 100 really delicious recipes with wine pairing suggestions, illustrated in full color. There's also clear advice for choosing take-out foods, for selecting diet-friendly restaurant dishes, and for using the diet to lose weight or simply to keep off the pounds already lost. The Wine and Food Lover's Diet is the ultimate key to a healthier, fuller, longer, and more satisfying life.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Wine and Food Lover's Diet: 28 Days of Delicious Weight Loss (Paperback)

Review of The Vice-Busting Diet: A 12-Week Plan to Break Your Worst Food Habits and Change Your Life Forever (Hardcover)

To sum it up in just a simple phrase, Id say " Changing your life is an understatement for what this book does"!!! Who would have thought that my life would come full circle in the last 5 years! In 2001, I sat at this very computer reading the cold hard facts about how vices control our life! The definition of vice was put as simple as anything that controls you and hinders your desired outcome. My biggest desire in the world was to become a healthy person who could dream big and THEN make those dreams become a reality! My biggest hinderence was my LOVE for cupcakes! It was as simple as giving up my first vice in order to start a journey that would last a lifetime. It has been 5 years since I started this long journey with Julia Havey and this road has led me from a 350 pound admirer of this successful weight loss author, to a 170 pound friend of this warm hearted mother, wife, and honest woman! She has been by my side through ups and downs, both weight loss related and life related, and help keep my head high throughit all. This book is a real life approach to helping someone reach their dreams and goals. It teaches you to bust your vices one at a time and more importantly to learn to belive in yourself! Without the self confidence that you learn to feel, success would not be the final outcome. If I had to suggest one book that would truely fit its title, this would be it. It will help you change your life in every aspect of the word!!!! Its a simple, doable, believable approach to weight loss, and once youve read the book, you will know that "IF you dream it, YOU CAN DO IT!" I dedicated my time and effort to this woman 5 years ago, and believed in myslef enough to bust all my vices, and go on to lose 185 pounds in less than 2 years and have been living a life of confidence, health and love for myself for the last 3 years!In october of this year I will marry the love of my life, and Julia will be standing up next to me in my wedding. Life has come full circle thanks to her, and if you are looking for a plan that will work not only to lose weight, but to change your life FOREVER, please read and follow this plan for 12 weeks, and then spread your wings and fly!

Product Description
Julia Havey has lost 130 pounds and kept it off for ten years. She's discovered the key to losing weight and keeping it off-small changes add up to big results. Unlike other diets that ask you to overhaul eating habits or eliminate food groups, The Vice-Busting Diet allows readers to discover what's getting in the way of weight loss. Whether it's soda, fast food, sweets or another temptation, Julia Havey teaches you how to eliminate it and replace it with a healthy alternative--with practical advice and a healthy dose of motivation.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Vice-Busting Diet: A 12-Week Plan to Break Your Worst Food Habits and Change Your Life Forever (Hardcover)

Review of Cracking the Metabolic Code (Paperback)

I originally bought this book because of the title thinking that it would help with my metabolism and give me answers to how to speed it up. In that regard the title was misleading but as I later learned while reading this book that metabolism refers to much more than how fast your body burns calories.Anyone serious about making their body the #1 priority and giving it what it needs to function properly and increase health longevity should read this book.Excellent, excellent, excellent.I could never be in the medical field but I understood enough to learn about the interactions of the body system as it refers to your health.The supplement list is great (I would love to know if there is an updated version in case new products are available).Also the test guide to learn where your problem areas are is very useful.

All in all 5 star, I only wish there were more doctors like Dr. LaValle to assist people in there quest for optimal health.

Product Description
Doctors traditionally prescribe a pill for every ill. But for mostpeople, these single solutions don't work. The truth is, most chronichealth problems, including stubborn weight gain, unbeatable fatigue,intestinal distress, high blood pressure, creeping cholesterol, andhigh blood sugar, are not found in simply one organ, but in severalparts of the body (often times in twos and threes). This is the resultof years of slow, subtle challenges to your metabolism, which is asunique as you are. Your lifestyle habits, stess level, prescriptiondrug use, and relationships, as well as the genes you inherit and theenvironment in which you live-in effect, the sum total of your lifeexpierence up to this day-determine your personal metabolism and, inturn, your current state of health.
Using a step-by-step, easy-to-implement system of diet, lifestylestrategies, and state-of-the-art nutrients and supplements, Dr. JamesLaValle will help you create an indiviudalized program for reclaimingyour metabolism and health.

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Review of The Ayurvedic Guide to Diet & Weight Loss: The Sattva Program (Paperback)

I bought this book awhile back and I have tried to follow it.But, it is poorly organized and quite confusing.Think of the old weight watchers where you had to pick 1 servingfrom group A, 2 servings from group B. etc.Who has that kind of patience and time????If you are interested in Ayurvedic weight loss, then I suggest that you see an ayurvedic specialist in your area.Skip this book.Mine is in storage.

Product Description
This extraordinary book presents a time-tested, simple, and medically sensibleapproach to weight loss and maintenance. Viewing the body as a pattern ofintelligence that is unique for each person, Ayurveda provides the key toestablishing the body's natural state of balance. Besides being an extremelypowerful and efficient path to weight loss, this tenet has applications forstrengthening immunity, preventing disease, and achieving higher levels ofwell-being than we ever thought possible. Dr. Gerson has given us a verypractical, deeply insightful resource that will serve as a guide for all readers interested in optimal health and weight control.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Ayurvedic Guide to Diet & Weight Loss: The Sattva Program (Paperback)

Review of Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss and Good Health [BARGAIN PRICE] (Hardcover)

After all the controversy about "Low-Carb" diets it's good to get the story straight from the man who started it.This book lays out the ground rules and provides a good overview of the science behind the hype one reads on the Internet and hears from the media.

I found that just a few minutes with Dr. Atkins' book answered a lot of my questions about how carbohydrates affect your diet and overall health.It also set me straight on a number of misconceptions I had formed out of ignorance or from the half-truths spouted by diet "experts".

If you're thinking about a low-carb diet like Southbeach, you owe it to yourself to get Atkins' perspective on nutrition and food-related health issues.

Bottom line...there's a lot information in this book.It has a reasonable number of good meal plans and great recipes.Only shortfall I found was the lack of cross-referencing so finding all the parts to a meal takes a bit of effort.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss and Good Health [BARGAIN PRICE] (Hardcover)

Review of Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative (Paperback)

I came across this book by a (so-called) fluke although in reality--it is a timely answer to a 32 yr-old prayer.I read the book with great enthusiasm because my current doctor had put me on an elimination diet todetoxify my liver.No sooner had he done this than my skin began to clearup.When I read this book, the author says that many people initially findrelief to psoriasis when their doctors put them on elimination diets forother reasons.Thus the undisputable proof that diet and nutrition haveeverything to do with your health.When I finished the book, I gave it tomy doctor who was extremely open to its suggestions.We immediately put 2or 3 of the book's suggestions to work in addition to what I was alreadydoing.Even though we are in the middle of winter (the worst time of yearfor the psioratic), my skin continues to clear and is soft and supple.Ihave since told everyone I know who suffers with this skin disorder, aboutthis book.Please, please--give this book a chance.Improvements aregenerally noticed within 6-8 weeks.You need to give your skin a chance toheal underneath and then make its way to the surface where you willeventually see it.The first thing I noticed was that it stoppedspreading!Diet is rather strict while the skin is healing--then you canplay around with what works for you and more importantly, what doesn't.Inthe meantime, stop eating tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, peppers ofany kind (except black pepper), vinegar and alcohol--and if you smoke,either quit or cut down to 3-4 cigarettes a day.Tobacco is a"nightshade" and exceptionally toxic to the psioratic.Increaseyour fruits and vegetables.No red meat (including pork).Limit all dairyproducts to nonfat or 1% milk fat, and even then, limit your consumption. And (obviously) limit or eliminate sugar.Cut out gluten products (pasta,breads, cakes and cereals).Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil each morningand evening--and also two capsules of Omega 3 fish oil capsules, bothmorning and evening.Keep flaxseed oil in refrigerator and Omega 3 fishoil caps in freezer.These few guidelines will get you started until youcan read this book.Sounds like alot, but clear skin will be worth it!

Product Description
A leading researcher shares natural remedies for psoriasis

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, at least seven million people in the U.S. and more than 100 million worldwide suffer from this chronic skin disease. This book outlines Dr. Pagano's natural, drug-free treatment regimen that can alleviate, control, and even heal psoriasis without steroid creams, tar baths, injections, or ultraviolet treatments. Healing Psoriasis outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle and includes case histories, photos, recipes, and a chapter on eczema.

John O. A. Pagano, DC (Englewood Cliffs, NJ), is a chiropractic physician who has conducted psoriasis research for more than 40 years. He has been a featured guest on CNBC, ABC, and Health Talk with Dr. Ronald Hoffman, and his work has been featured in Alternative Medicine and Dermatology Times. He has lectured on five continents.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative (Paperback)

Review of Rudyard Kipling: The Complete Verse (Paperback)

Largely forgotten today, to many, Kipling is an outdated imperialist with racist and sexist views, and should be left to moulder on the shelves of public library back collections.To others, he is a great poet, with a sympathetic ear for dialogue and an uncanny ability to weave the atmosphere for any story or poem.
I side with the latter.
I've liked Kipling years back.He writes poetry as easily as he does his stories, with wit, snappy soundbites, and both the ability to make you laugh and cry.
Famous for his writings of the soldiers, for his fairy tales, he isn't much in demand these days, except maybe recommended for children, which is rather a shame, because he wrote many interesting works, be it in verse or novel.
Those who call him racist had probably not read past the first few lines.Even in more blatant works like "Gunga Din" or "Fuzzy Wuzzy", he writes with a certain respect for the natives.And even in his colonialist days he was more of its critic than its trumpet.Such an attitude is obvious in more obscure works like "We and They", or "Hadramauti", where an Arab voices his dislike for the Englishmen.
Also there are his historical pieces, like "the Dutch in the medway", describing the humiliating defeat of the British at sea, and "the Roman centurian's son", a very poignant piece about an Roman soldier being called back to Rome after decades in Britan.More whimsical and lively pieces (as well as the satire he was known for), like "The way through the woods", "Pagett, MP", his pieces for chapter headings, as well as inspiration poems like "If -".
Darker works like "the Storm come" shows that he is no warmonger; his "Recessional" predicts the dissolution of the empire which he nearly outlived, and his lament for his son in "the Children" is both moving and tragic.
I suppose there's not much to be said -the poetry is loud enough on its own, and I hope my cruddy penmanship doesn't affect your view on Kipling -or deter your from reading his works.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Rudyard Kipling: The Complete Verse (Paperback)

Review of The Hershberg Diet: Discover How the Fourth Macro Can Help You Shed Pounds and Beat the Metabolic Syndrome (Hardcover)

I read about this diet in a Woman's World issue and finally purchased the book.It is a wonderful way of eating and makes much more sense than other diets which eliminate things such as carbs and fats.Highly recommend and easy to follow.I lost 9 pounds on the first two weeks and I hadn't even started exercising yet.

Product Description
The Hershberg Diet is not another fad diet, it's a weight loss system based on hard science. Dr. Melissa Hershberg reveals that the key to lasting weight loss is the "fourth macronutrient." Because most people - including physicians, nutritionists, and dieticians - recognize only three - protein, carbohydrates, and fat - the discovery of a fourth macronutrient forever changes the way readers view food, eating, and nutritional labels. In addition, readers learn about "hotty" foods - foods that don't spike blood sugar and insulin levels but which do elevate the body's metabolism and create the proper hormonal environment for weight loss. The book features an easy-to-follow four-phase plan complete with recipes and menus, as well as tips to help readers design their own customized strategy for shedding pounds. Best of all, there is no hunger or deprivation required. By eating foods high in the fourth macronutrient, readers can eat as much as they like and still lose weight.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Hershberg Diet: Discover How the Fourth Macro Can Help You Shed Pounds and Beat the Metabolic Syndrome (Hardcover)


Review of The F.A.S.T. Diet (Families Always Succeed Together): The Dean family lost 500 pounds. Now you can lose weight--and keep it off--with their simple plan. (Hardcover)

I met Tony Dean a month ago to discuss weight loss.A group from our local town is following the FAST Diet plan.It is amazingly easy!As long as you can get the calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber numbers, you can eat the food.All you do stay within your number range and exercise daily (no excuses).You can call or email Tony your numbers and he will provide daily feedback.

Product Description
Every member of the Dean family was overweight and out of shape. Within twelve months, Tony Dean, his parents, and his five brothers and sisters had lost more than 500 pounds. And they did it without pills, special foods, counting points, or buying any special equipment. They had all tried to lose weight before, but despite the occasional small success, the weight loss was always temporary. So how did this ordinary family manage to overcome a lifetime of weight problems to achieve such remarkable results?

They did it together following the F.A.S.T. (Families Always Succeed Together) diet, a program Tony created that encouraged everyone to eat better, exercise more, and hold themselves accountable for maintaining their individual health while encouraging others in the family to stick to their own diet and exercise regimen. And it worked. The Deans are in the best shape of their lives, slimmer and healthier than ever before-and they plan to stay that way.

In The F.A.S.T. Diet, Tony Dean shows you how to create your own team-of friends, coworkers, or anyone interested in losing weight-and harness the power of teamwork and accountability to help you succeed. The F.A.S.T. Diet will show you how to:

- Eat the foods you want and still lose weight
- Host weekly weigh-ins to maximize your loss potential
- Motivate yourself to go to the gym even when you don't want to
- Use the support of your team to get you through the tough days

In just one year, the Deans transformed their health and their future. In The F.A.S.T. Diet, Tony shares everything they learned and everything you will need to transform your life, once and for all!

We did it. You can, too!

"This works! I am a forty-six-year-old wife and mother of two who has tried every diet out there. By teaching me how to get healthy and lose the weight that has plagued me for twenty years, this program has changed my life for the rest of my life."-Jill Nielsen, Omaha, Nebraska

"The F.A.S.T. program has been the easiest diet I've ever followed. With three jobs, a family, and very little time to commit to exercise, I've lost 30 pounds to date and am still losing. I feel so much better, and people are noticing. And my cholesterol has dropped. Most important to me is that this program has made cravings a thing of the past. I love it!"-Marlene Zotti, Papillion, Nebraska

"As a family physician, I know the number one problem with weight loss is not lack of knowledge of how to lose weight-it is a lack of accountability and/or a support system. I believe that good accountability, like that used in the F.A.S.T. diet, helps override all the excuses that derail good diets. The F.A.S.T. Diet hits not only the important points of ‘healthy' eating and exercising but gives people the tools to be successful. I will definitely use this to educate patients who want to lose weight."-Matthew S. Bott, MD

"After losing more than 60 pounds and five dress sizes in five months, I am healthier than I have been in years. I feel better and have more energy! The F.A.S.T. Diet will be an inspiration for anyone struggling to lose weight and get healthy. It's a simple approach to lifestyle changes you can live with." -Elaine Pritchard, RN

"I have tried numerous other diet plans and failed. What I like most about the F.A.S.T. plan is that I control what I eat, so it does not feel like a diet. I have learned to change my eating habits and I am still cashing in on the results." -Tracy Mills, Farmington, Minnesota

"It has taken me fifteen years to lose this weight-fourteen and a half years of trying every other weight-loss program under the sun and then the last six months using the F.A.S.T. diet. This program has changed my life." -Lori Prochaska, Ralston, Nebraska

"I began this program as an amputee with high blood pressure and 100 pounds to lose. I was very depressed and had little confidence in my ability to shed weight. Tony promised me that if I stayed dedicated and made good choices, I would succeed. Now, here I am with nearly half the weight already gone, and my life is just incredible. For the first time in twelve years, I am able to ride a bike, play ball, and do a million other physical activities with my kids!" -Monica Sycuro, Papillion, Nebraska

Click Here to see more reviews about: The F.A.S.T. Diet (Families Always Succeed Together): The Dean family lost 500 pounds. Now you can lose weight--and keep it off--with their simple plan. (Hardcover)

Review of Mastering Leptin: Your Guide to Permanent Weight Loss and Optimum Health (Third Edition) (Paperback)

I was impressed with the fact that this husband and wife team,in their early 50's, is so committed to bringing us the latest breaking news on leptin and the research related to solving obesity in this country. Their book (now the 2nd edition) explains why leptin is the key hormone that regulates all other hormones in the body, and how leptin imbalance is the precursor to heart disease, thyroid conditions, and cancer. The information is not their opinions, but rather a compilation of ALL scientific data on leptin to date, presented in a fairly easy-to-follow writing style. They give special guidelines for correcting leptin imbalances,including the use of certain supplements, which in turn will lead to correction of a host of other imbalances, like insulin resistance. (As an aside, insulin resistance alone affects 50% of our country's population, contributing hugely to the obesity epidemic.)

I agree that the book is a bit choppy. I think a professional writer could have helped smooth out the rough edges. However, the content is exceptional. I have recently discovered that I am a borderline diabetic with a low-functioning thyroid and insulin resistance, which likely developed as a result of my last pregnancy. Prior to that I had no apparent problems in these areas. This book helps to explain how this happened and is guiding me back to healthy. I am indebted to these authors.

I have also read the Rosedale Diet, which I think is also very good. However, I believe Mastering Leptin explains leptin and all its implications more completely. Mastering Leptin also explains the wisdom in waiting 5 hours between meals and avoiding snacks, and how that is critical to bringing leptin in line. Dr. Rosedale includes snacks in his book, focusing more on the types of foods to eat rather than on scheduling to allow your body to restore its natural rhythm. Eating all the time keeps our bodies too focused on digestion and keeps our insulin levels up. I'd go to the Rosedale Diet for the recipes but to the Mastering Leptin book for the guidance. Good luck to you all.

Product Description
First published in 2002, Mastering Leptin is the first and most in-depth book explaining the hormone leptin and its relationship to obesity and difficult weight loss, yo-yo dieting, low energy, heart disease, low thyroid, stress eating, food cravings, and hormonal imbalance. Mastering Leptin cuts through the confusion of countless ways to eat and provides individuals with a workable lifestyle for permanent weight loss. Renowned leptin expert Byron Richards, CCN analyzes over 8,500 leptin-related scientific studies and brings amazing findings to the public in an easy-to-understand format. Learn how to eat in harmony with the fat hormone leptin, reduce food cravings, improve energy, and permanently lose weight.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Mastering Leptin: Your Guide to Permanent Weight Loss and Optimum Health (Third Edition) (Paperback)

Review of Natural Medicine 101: How to Win the Medical Information War and Take Control of Your Health (Paperback)

We are overwhelmed by daily headlines about new dangerous of pharmaceuticals drugs. Jeffrey Dach, MD, has taken on the challenge of sorting through the confusion, with bold, blunt, useful advice, like "Protect Your Family from Bad Drugs". With sound advice on alternative therapies, and concrete case histories from his own practice, like Low Dose Naltrexone as an apparent cure for Crohn's Disease. Reading a knowledgeable MD's opinion on natural medicine therapies will make us all better consumers, help us save money by avoiding ineffective treatments, and enable us to protect our own health. A timely and extensive medical guide book.

Product Description
Natural Medicine 101 covers broad topics from bio-identical hormones, the low thyroid condition, heart disease prevention, vitamin deficiency, to disease mongering by the drug companies; from living healthfully in a toxic world, to how to bust stress. If you want to live well and happy, and avoid the pitfalls of our medical system, read this book. There is a medical information war going on in the media, and this book will show you how to win it. This book of essays documents a personal journey into natural medicine which will inspire you and enlighten you. Written in a concise writing style of a renaissance artist-physician, Jeffrey Dach MD, this book is the opening prelude to a 21st century medical renaissance.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Natural Medicine 101: How to Win the Medical Information War and Take Control of Your Health (Paperback)

Review of The Abs Diet for Women: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Belly and Firm Up Your Body for Life (Paperback)

My husband and I went on the Abs Diet last year and did great. I saw this new book and thought maybe I could tailor the Abs Diet for me, as a woman. I thought things would be a little more differentiated, but the changes from the "men's" book are minimal. The recipes and basic concepts are the same. A lot of the book focuses on post-baby weight, which is not my concern (yet). The testimonials are from women and the exercises are photos of women, but other than that, it's not really any different than the men's version. If you're both trying out the diet, you might as well stick to the men's version and save a few bucks. But, if it's just you (and you're a woman), then give this "diet" a shot.

We had great results and felt a lot better eating the recommended foods. Beyond that, you don't even start the exercises 'til you're 3 weeks into the program! Great for those who need to ease into a new diet/program.

Product Description
In survey after survey, men and women say that a flat abdomen is the ultimate symbol of sex appeal. And in study after study, researchers found that getting a firm belly is the single most significant step anyone can take to stay healthy for life. Now available in paperback, The Abs Diet for Women shows the most effective way to a flat belly, a firm body, and a much better life.

Packed with information developed exclusively for women, the book includes:

-information on how the Abs Diet can prevent joint pain, improve female sexual response, and give a woman the flat belly she craves in just six weeks

-Abs Diet adaptations to tailor the diet to each woman's individual needs

-psychological strategies for dealing with obstacles and changing moods

-3 weeks' worth of all-new meal plans

-tips on managing menopausal symptoms without hormone replacement therapy

-new and super-effective moves that incorporate yoga and Pilates to strenghten the core, stretch the body, and relieve stress-plus a postpartum workout to help moms lose the baby weight

Easy to follow and more satisfying than a great-fitting pair of jeans, The Abs Diet for Women is the most effective way for a woman to change her health, her size, and her body for good.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Abs Diet for Women: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Belly and Firm Up Your Body for Life (Paperback)

Review of The Yeast Syndrome: How to Help Your Doctor Identify & Treat the Real Cause of Your Yeast-Related Illness (Mass Market Paperback)

I am a health professional and in 1995 at the age of 39 I found myself on 9 prescription medications and my health was quickly failing. I had a severe sleep disorder, tender spots, terrible arthralgia, reflux disease, colitis, neuropathy, dizziness, and fibromyalgia syndrome. My sister-in-law suggested that I had yeast syndrome. Of course being a by the book RN I blew her off. One day in a book store I happened to spot this book and leafed through it. I started crying right there because my doctors couldn't help me anymore but here was my help. This book saved my life. When I went to the health food store for help with the herbals the owner found it hard to believe that I could still work and raise a family in my condition. My husband, co-workers and doctor couldn't believe the difference in just a few weeks of starting the program. My doctor asked me what happened and recommended the book to other patients. It was not a fast process but I am fully recovered and sleep like a baby when the kids let me. I no longer feel like my body is 50 years older than I am.I have told countless people about this book and am very grateful it is being reprinted as I loaned mine out and it was never returned. This book is much more detailed than The Yeast Connection and was much more helpful to me. Thank you Dr. Trowbridge for saving my life.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Yeast Syndrome: How to Help Your Doctor Identify & Treat the Real Cause of Your Yeast-Related Illness (Mass Market Paperback)


Review of The G-Index Diet: Control Your Glucose Level and Lose Weight Now (Mass Market Paperback)

I think this diet is easy to follow, and it works.My husband lost 17 pounds in one month when we first tried it, I lost seven pounds.The food is great, and everything is spelled out for you, right down to your grocerylist.A lot of my friends are trying it now too!

Product Description
A specially designed diet guide uses scientific methods to determine which diet foods actually show results and how others can trigger out-of-control eating instead of burning fat. Reprint.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The G-Index Diet: Control Your Glucose Level and Lose Weight Now (Mass Market Paperback)

Review of The Dakota Diet: Health Secrets from the Great Plains (Paperback)

Dr. Weiland has written a most informative and interesting book. It is well written, easily understood and packed with information on nutrition and itsinfluence on our health. The Dakota Diet places a strong emphasis on disease prevention and fitness through a healthy diet and exercise. This is no "magic pill" diet.He recommends lifestyle changes and lays out a plan for the reader to achieve their health and fitness goals. Recipes are included which have been contributed by chefs from the Dakotas. Many include the use of game as well as whole grains and fresh produce. Game may not be easily obtained in some areas, but I have noticed the availability of ground bison in supermarkets in the northeast. The recipe from chef Jill Maguire for Buffalo Burgers produces a fantastic meal! There is information presented on a web site where the reader can order grass-fed buffalo meat.

Product Description
You may have tried numerous diets over the years in an attempt to lose weight, only to regain the pounds after going off the diet. The problem with popular diets is that they are not nutritionally sound. "The Dakota Diet" is different--it is a way of eating that provides you with nutritionally satisfying foods to help you lose weight, improve your cholesterol levels, and add healthier years to your life.The foods that the Plains Indians hunted and gathered were rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Today, our diet contains low levels of omega-3s and is loaded with omega-6s. As we forage at the grocery store, the foods we bring home contain up to 20 times more omega-6s than omega-3s. Omega-3 fats counter the unhealthy effects of omega-6s and are found in abundance right here in America's backyard, on the plains of the Dakotas."The Dakota Diet is not a fad diet; it can help you rediscover the benefits of healthy fats and enjoy hearty American foods while losing weight and improving your health. It is high in good omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in flax seed, soy, buffalo, fresh fish, and wild game. The diet focuses on nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. The meat is from animals that are allowed to graze on grasses, such as buffalo, which has less fat and fewer calories than meat from grain-fed animals. And, the diet is also high in soluble fiber found in beans, barley, and oats--foods that help balance cholesterol.This book will show you how to find and prepare wonderful foods full of healthy fats, featuring delicious recipes for grass-fed buffalo and wild game, vegtables, grains and salads straight from the prairie.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Dakota Diet: Health Secrets from the Great Plains (Paperback)

Review of The Brain Diet: The Connection Between Nutrition, Mental Health, and Intelligence (Hardcover)

This book pulls together a huge amount of medical research regarding diet and mental health. The author does an excellent job of using words that a non-physician can understand without sacrificing content. This is NOT a "FAD DIET" sort of book, nor is it quackery. It is the seminal work on how diet translates into mental health, with copious quantities of references and citations.

I can personally vouch for the accuracy of the information on Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. My child has had anxiety attacks ever since she stopped eating baby food. After three years we figured out that the attacks were related to eating products the day before with oils like cottonseed and safflower. But we did not know why she reacted this way, nor did our pediatricians. So all we could do was try to avoid the problem oils, which are in many, many, manyfoods. Monitoring her diet was a full time job, and school made it very difficult. People thought that we were crazy and ignored our pleas about not to feed her items with those oils. Then when she had an attack 24 hours later, they thought she needed counseling.

After reading this book, we understood the likely reason for her problem, as well as a possible solution. We put her on a daily Omega-3 supplement to balance her Omega 6 & Omega 3 chemistry, and her anxiety attacks are GONE. She can now eat what everyone else eats. Her demeanor is no longer high-strung and she handles stress much better. Buying this book was the best money we ever spent, and we are giving copies to everyone we know. If you know someone who suffers from mental health problems, or a mental health professional, teacher, or pediatrician, do them a favor and get them a copy of this book.

Product Description
In this second, expanded edition of the best-selling The Brain Diet, Dr. Alan C. Logan incorporates the latest research on the connection between nutrition, mental health, and intelligence.
Most people today know that good nutrition and good health are related and that poor nutrition frequently leads to cardiovascular disease and cancer. Unfortunately, few people realize that it also is an underlying factor in other medical conditions, such as depression, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, migraine headaches, ADHD, and much more. This is startling when one realizes that researchers have found that today more than 50 percent of the vegetables in most people's diets consists of the trimmings on a hamburger and a side of fries.
The Brain Diet explains the connection between diet and mental health, as well as its importance for realizing the full potential of our intelligence. It shows how poor nutrition hinders the development of our children's intelligence and how it adversely affects mental health and success.
Despite being just 2 percent of total adult weight, the human brain demands an enormous amount of energy. An ample flow of blood is required for us to think, to reason, to create art and music, to develop technology, and to perform complex work. As The Brain Diet explains the science behind how our brains function, it also provides suggestions for a healthy diet.
Included are the basics of a brain-healthy diet, brain-healthy recipes, helpful charts, and food supplements that enhance our mental function (and how those supplements work). This revolutionary new way of looking at mental health and intelligence gives new meaning to the adage "You are what you eat."

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Brain Diet: The Connection Between Nutrition, Mental Health, and Intelligence (Hardcover)

Review of The Fiber35 Diet: Nature's Weight Loss Secret (Paperback)

I think Brenda Watson is correct in her assessment that eating a high fiber diet can help an individual lose weight. Doughnuts, chips, and candy which are all fiberless and nutritionless tend to pack the pounds on. Eating high fiber foods like whole grains, beans, and broccoli make you feel fuller, so you eat less. Many of us know the feeling of eating junk food and feeling bloated and then hungry pretty soon after.

Brenda goes into depth in her book as to how fiber can be beneficial. She also recommends some interesting ideas such as using a sauna to speed up the metabolism and burn more calories.

The disappointment with the book is that the actual diet and the plan for life relies not on real food but on the use of bars and shakes. I don't see anything wrong with drinking a shake or eating a bar, but I would prefer to eat real food and sadly, that is not in this plan.

I noticed after reading other reviews that Brenda sells bars and shakes, so it does seem like she may have an agenda with the meal plan she proposes. Brenda does offer some great information on fiber, if she had offered a plan with bars/shakes and another plan with "real" food, this could have been a great book. But since she didn't I personally feel there are better fiber plan books on the market.

Product Description

The New York Times bestselling diet guide that will help you safely lose weight, look your best, feel more energetic, and stay healthy for life!

If you are

- fed up with short-term fad diets that offer no lasting solution

- craving a healthy alternative to high-fat processed foods and refined sugars

- searching for a way to take control of your health and feel vibrant every day

the Fiber35 Diet is for you!
It's time to revolutionize the way you think about dieting! New York Times bestselling author Brenda Watson has an incredible secret that helped her transform her body and vastly improve the quality of her life -- the Fiber35 Diet. This incredible program will show you how to lose those unwanted pounds and maintain optimal health by taking advantage of the extraordinary power of fiber. Fiber is one of the most useful and beneficial ingredients on the planet. In addition to helping prevent many of the major diseases of our time -- including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer -- fiber helps to curb appetite, increase satisfaction, and actually flush calories out of the body. Brenda Watson will show you how to incorporate it into your diet easily, sharing how to turn this little-known secret to ideal weight and longevity into a lifetime eating system. Loaded with delicious recipes, meal plans, and even a comprehensive workout program, The Fiber35 Diet makes adopting a healthy lifestyle effortless.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Fiber35 Diet: Nature's Weight Loss Secret (Paperback)

Review of Natural Health & Weight Loss (Paperback)

There are three macronutrients in our diet: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only two are essential and carbohydrateisn't one of them.

It was mostly the sincerity of Dr. Groves' previous two books that prompted me to order his latest one, sight unseen and not a review in sight.

I was not disappointed.
For those unacquainted with the truth in matters of human nutrition, the contents of Natural Health And Weight Loss will raise some eyebrows.
Yes, Groves is right, if there are any culprits to be found in our nutrients, macro- or micro-, it is the carbohydrates. Notably the refined ones but also an excess of complex starches.

The roots of this book can be found in his 1999 publication Eat Fat And Get Thin but even starchy origins can bring about a veritable treasure, in this case a very practical book. The chapters are arranged in logical fashion and the pages contain a wealth of information and only few bits of clutter.

The subject matter of this is low carbohydrate dieting. Many books have been written on this, starting with Banting's original classic Letter Of Corpulence, to Atkins and other imitations. Like the author, I was inspired by British physician Richard Mackarness whose book Eat Fat And Grow Slim was published some 50 years ago. Written for the average blokes and sheilas (whom Mackarness called Mr. and Mrs. Fatten-Easily), it remains a classic. Dr. Groves attempted to go a step further, I believe. He educates the reader on the complex subject matter and demands a measure of concentration from those who are not well schooled in life science subjects. Yet, lazy couch potatoes and recliner pumpkins may skip the science and use the book as a manual.

Practicing meticulous attention to detail, Dr. Groves leaves no stone unturned in presenting evidence for what he espouses as the diet that will keep humans healthy. Rightlyhe emphasizes the crucial importance of the little known fact that it is FATS that are our most valuable foods and that the correct diet is not high protein but high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate . To the uninitiated, this book undoubtedly flies in the face of current wisdom. The self-appointed guardians of our health (who themselves have had precious little training in nutrition)keep presenting us with the same old faulty diet pyramids in the mistaken belief that adherence will contribute to the good health of society.

Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding (which is not on Dr. Groves' list of preferred foods) and the verdict is in: The low carb way of eating works!

Once the reader gets into the 15th chapter (s)he will be aware that there is nothing strange about eating high fat, low carb fare. After all, humans evolved on it. A list of diseases is given that appear to have their origin in the consumption of excess carbohydrates and the subject of insulin and glucose excess and the resultant malfunctions are well covered. Groves goes into the limited usefulness of the Glycaemic Index and he provides information for diabetics.

On the basis of the astonishing amount of good information contained in 350 odd pages alone, this book deserves to be read by the Fatten-Easy crowd as well as those just curious.

Product Description
Despite the current emphasis on 'healthy eating' obesity is increasing at an alarming rate, especially in children, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease are reaching epidemic levels. Barry Groves tells us that this is because 'healthy eating' is anything but that; it is far too high in carbohydrates from fruit and grain and far too low in fats. Unlike carbohydrates, or proteins, fats do not compromise our insulin levels.They keep our metabolism functioning at a healthily high level and they stop us getting hungry too quickly.And they do not raise our cholesterol levels. Based on years of research, and personal experience, this book tells us how to change our diets and what the benefits of doing so will be. Practical and clearly explained, you cannot read this book without realising it is time to change! Contents Part 1: Health & Weight-loss in Practice Let's Get Started; Breakfast:The Most Important Meal of the Day; Eat Real food;Tips for Successful Dieting;The Ideal Diet for Diabetics; Prevention is Better; Dealing With Doctors Part Two:The Evidence Mr Banting's Diet Revolution;It's In Our Genes;The Metabolic Syndrome; Glycaemic Truth; Eat Less,Weigh More? Why Blame Cholesterol? Why Healthy Eating Isn't; Why Your Low-Carb Diet Must be High-Fat, Not High-Protein; Exercise Isn't Necessary; Fat or Fashion? Appendix Diseases Helped or Prevented by the Natural Weight-loss and Health Way of Eating;Adult Height/Weight Tables; Glossary; Reliable Sources of Information; Carbohydrate Content and Glycaemic Loads of Foods; Recipes, Menus and Food Preparation
Also available:
Natural Energy - ISBN 1905140029
Smart Health Choices - ISBN 1905140177
Traditional Herbal Medicines: A Guide to Their Safer Use - ISBN 1905140045
Hammersmith Press is an independent publishing house producing books for the general public and health professionals that promote better health and well-being through a greater understanding of the human body and mind, with a particular emphasis on the importance of nutrition and diet.
Some of the areas we publish in include:
-Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
-Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Natural Health & Weight Loss
-Holistic Medicine
-Thyroid Health
-Medical stories
- Healthy eating
-Traditional medicines

Click Here to see more reviews about: Natural Health & Weight Loss (Paperback)


Review of Sugar Busters! Quick & Easy Cookbook (Hardcover)

I am a firm believer in high-protein diets, in spite of the fact that on the Zone, which I have been on 4 years, though I originally lost 25 pounds, over the past 2 years I had gained back 15 pounds of that loss. I decidedto do some more reading about other high-protein diets to see what waswrong. I was very impressed with what Sugar Busters has to say. It isalmost identical to what Dr. Atkins and The Schwarzbein Principle have tosay, but I like this cookbook much better than Dr. Atkins' and Dr.Schwarzbein doesn't have a cookbook.
I have had hypoglycemia for manyyears and have extensive diabetes in my lineage, so originally I went onthe Zone to deal with blood sugar problems. The weight loss was a niceextra treat, and once I had it, I wanted to keep it. The Zone doesn't haveyou give up sugar, and I've been finding that even though just balancingcarbs of any kind with protein and fiber helps the blood sugar, if you aresugar sensitive, over time, you begin to lose the insulin-balancingbenefits and weight losses if you merely do high-protein and don't give upsugar as Sugar Busters recommends.
I have been on the Sugar Bustersno-sugar, no-white-flour, no-starchy vegetables diet for 3 weeks now. I amnot craving sugar; I feel great, and I've lost 6 of the 15 regained poundsfrom the Zone. This diet seems to cause you, like the Zone (if it works) tolose about 1-2 pounds a week if you have less than 30 pounds to lose. Forpeople with a huge amount of weight to lose, you can lose as much as 4-6pounds a week in the beginning, according to information in the SugarBusters and Atkins' books.

Product Description
Which other diet allows you to drink a glass of red wine in the evening? The SUGAR BUSTERS! lifestyle is revolutionizing the way America eats, offering a safe, scientifically sound program for improving health and losing weight.

Now the #1 New York Times bestselling team who forever changed the face of dieting has created the SUGAR BUSTERS! Quick & Easy Cookbook, a delicious new collection of more than 150 simple-to-make recipes and menu ideas. With this wonderful cookbook, the SUGAR BUSTERS! eating program can easily become part of your daily routine. Forget counting calories, weighing your food, and trying to figure out those confusing charts and graphs. The SUGAR BUSTERS! Quick & Easy Cookbook makes preparing tasty, low-sugar or sugar-free fare a snap.

Inside you'll discover


Whether you're hosting an elaborate holiday bash or a spur-of-the-moment intimate evening for two, or you just need a quick dinner for you and your family, the SUGAR BUSTERS! Quick & Easy Cookbook will help you create the perfect meal.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sugar Busters! Quick & Easy Cookbook (Hardcover)

Review of Your Fat Can Make You Thin (Paperback)

If you are the type that loses weight eating low carbohydrates, this is a great book by an author with impeccable credentials. (Endocrinologist.) There certainly seems to be a strong connection between serotonin levels and carbohydrate cravings. A lot better than the explanations in the Atkins diet and this just may work for you.

Product Description
While many American's have found temporary success with low-carbohydrate dieting, few maintain their weight loss. Drawing on proven medical research and years of successful clinical use, Your Fat Can Make You Thin clearly explains how to regulate the body's serotonin levels to maintain energy and health while burning excess fat--and keeping it off for good.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Your Fat Can Make You Thin (Paperback)

Review of The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle - 2nd Edition (Paperback)

This book/DVD set is much more than an informative diet for health conscious people. It is truly a compelling, insightful, common sense approach to addressing the maladies and ailments that so many people suffer from today. This honest look at the faults of the (historic...hysteric?) standard American diet will definitely get your attention. The "Eating" DVD is a powerful statement against the way that most of us think about the food we eat. How can a society be so dumb about what we are doing to our bodies? I exercise and try to watch my weight, but I have really been missing the "big picture". This program puts it into proper perspective. Check it out! The answer is simple and has been right in front of us forever--history and facts are difficult to ignore. I think this program takes up where Dean Ornish left off.

If you are tired of the "band aid" approach to symptoms, leery about taking more medication, concerned about what is actually going into your body, and don't understand why medical research or the government can't seem to come up with solutions: then you need to view this film, read the book and take control of your future. Thank you Mike Anderson for opening my eyes--I think I get it now!

Product Description
The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle describes a weight loss program that is also designed to reverse heart disease and prevent our common cancers, as well as a host of other diseases.
The author explains why Americans cannot lose weight, why modern diets don't work, and shows you how to reach your ideal weight by going back to the old-fashioned foods Americans used to eat, before losing weight was a problem.
The book describes the relationship between diet and disease and explains why the standard American diet is responsible for the two largest killers in America today, heart disease and our common cancers. It also explores the relationship of diet to other diseases and how government policies are promoting diet-related diseases.
The book is bound with a 100-minute DVD, entitled "Eating" which is designed to inform and motivate people to change their diets. Included in the DVD are interviews with doctors from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation who describe how to reverse heart disease by changing to the RAVE Diet. The DVD also interviews two individuals who completely reversed heart disease by following the RAVE Diet. It also includes an interview with Dr. Ruth Heidrich, who treated her breast cancer without the conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle - 2nd Edition (Paperback)

Review of Eating the Greek Way: More Than 100 Fresh and Delicious Recipes from Some of the Healthiest People in the World (Hardcover)

This has become one of my all-time favorite cookbooks. Literally every recipe I've tried has been an instant hit with my family. I like that there's loads of flavor (and not all the same old stuff) in everything, and there's also a section about how to eat a health-supporting Greek-inspired diet. (The author is a doctor from/in Greece.) All of the ingredients are readily available. The only alteration I've made (to some recipes) is to cut down on the healthy oils a bit -- while olive oil is yummy and good for you, I'd rather cut back a bit on how much oil I add to a dish. I have also found that many of these dishes keep well for leftovers, the recipes make good (big) amounts, and there is a nice emphasis on fresh ingredients. Nothing is complicated, but it always comes out looking and tasting really impressive. Highly Recommended!

Product Description
The pristine beaches, azure sea, and historic richness of Greece aren't the only reasons Americans are attracted to the Greek way of life--the juicy ripe tomatoes, creamy feta, and aromatic olive oil are just a few of the intensely satisfying flavors we just can't seem to get enough of. Eating the Greek Way captures the freshness of Mediterranean cooking with more than 100 delicious and healthful dishes that will help you look and feel great--and bring the rich experience of the Greek Islands into your everyday life.

The beauty of Eating the Greek Way is that every tantalizing meal in this book can help you lose weight and improve your health. Using the foundations of olive oil, garlic, wine, fish, nuts, yogurt, cheese, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins--ingredients found in a supermarket--these wholesome dishes will delight every palate. Reinvigorating familiar ingredients in a new way, Eating the Greek Way shares irresistible recipes, including Baked Prawns with Feta and Tomatoes, Spanish Chicken Casserole with Green Lentils, Lamb with Apricots and Almonds, and Passion Fruit Crème Brûlée.

Packed with vibrant color photographs of the dishes as well as beautiful pictures of the landscape that inspired them, Eating the Greek Way is a treat for the senses and will revolutionize the way you think about healthful eating.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Eating the Greek Way: More Than 100 Fresh and Delicious Recipes from Some of the Healthiest People in the World (Hardcover)

Review of Weight Control: The Medical Reality (Paperback)

I want to congratulate the author for writing Weight Control: The Medical Reality. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It presented technical medical information in an informative yet interesting manner. It is packed with thought-provoking ideas and facts. I found excellent information to help maintain good health. The information is presented in a clear and logical manner so that medical information is easy to read and understand. I found the glossary informative as well. I have read many books in my teaching profession and this is one of the best that I have come across. I highly recommend it to all age groups: teens to seniors.

Product Description
Weight Control: The Medical Reality discusses essential everyday issues such as weight control, nutrition, and exercise. It also provides the reader with insight into important medical disorders such as arthritis, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, alcohol consumption, and the use of tobacco. It presents some of the latest medical findings that deal with these issues. Moreover, you will discover an introduction to common medical terms to help you understand and address your health concerns. This book provides several useful strategies to help lose and maintain weight. You will read about the experiences of patients who have faced similar problems.

Dr. Bhanot obtained his medical degree in 1988. He brings fifteen years of clinical experience in patient care to the production of this book. Currently, he is a family doctor in a community hospital in Nova Scotia. He shares his personal approach to many important lifestyle issues with you in Weight Control: The Medical Reality.

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Review of The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet (Paperback)

This is book is absolutely necessary for anyone transitioning into a vegetarian or vegan diet and a great reference for those of us already there. It goes through all of the nutrients that vegetarians and vegans might have trouble getting enough of and explain why it's important and the best ways to incorporate that nutrient into your diet. It also gives dietary advice for prenanct women, children, and the elderly. There is so much information, I find myself constantly referring to this book as a reference guide.

Many other reviwers have noted that this book is objective and not "preachy." I agree. It points out honestly what's wrong with and what's good about omnivorous, vegetarian, and vegan diets and then shows how to improve in each case. It does address reasons for veganism, but this book is in no way dogmatic. There's also an entire section on "diplomacy," that is how to resolve issues between ominvores and vegetarians.

One of my favorite parts of this book is the latter half, in which advice is given on transitioning to vegetarianism or veganism. To often the changes that need to be made in lifestyle aren't addressed, in favor of reasons for going vegan or recipes. Here, however, they provide advice on mundane but necesary topics like meal planning and grocery shopping.

This is definitly not a recipe book by nature, by several recipes are provided in the back. These are not gourmet or experimental recipes. Rather they are recipes that the authors themselves eat on a regular basis and which new vegetarians can realisticly incorporate into their menus. The recipes were also all chosen with nutrition as well as taste in mind, so they contribute to learning how to plan well-rounded vegan meals. My favorite, for instance, is a traditional marinara pasta with lentils dissolved in the sauce to make it creamier and add protein. In addition, instead of meatballs, a variety of vegetables are added to make it chunky. I've tried several of the other recipes as well, and have been pleased with them all.

I really can't stress how amazing and necessary this book is. I find myself returning to it over and over again, so it was definitly worth buying.

Product Description
Comprehensive and well-researched, this new edition provides everything you need to know about making a healthy transition to a vegetarian diet or maximizing its benefits if already a vegetarian.
Updated with the latest recommendations for intakes of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats, the authors show how to achieve optimal nutrition for all stages of life. Easy-to-read tables, figures, menus, and food guides help you determine how to meet your nutritional requirements. You'll also learn what plant-based dietary components and factors play active roles in both the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses.
And for practical application, over 50 new and easy recipes show how to incorporate highly nutritious ingredients - some of which may be unfamiliar. These delicious meals include contributions from chefs Joseph Forest, Ron Pickarski, Joanne Stepaniak, and Yves Potvin (Yves Veggie Cuisine) as well as favorites of the authors.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet (Paperback)

Review of The Low-Fat Lifestyle (Paperback)

"The Low-Fat Lifestyle" by Any Nappa will get you ready for the Summer with her guide to "Optimum Health for Body, Soul, and Spirit".
If you want a guide to better living, this would be a great place to start! My husband and I are currently trying this new `lifestyle' and we feel better about what we eat already, after three weeks.
While I have yet to read the entire book, my husband, who originally purchased the book, has read it through, finding it full of good nutritional information and recipes.
We've used several of the recipes for dinner and snacks, which are our biggest trouble spots for food. Lunch can also be hard to plan for during the day. With numerous "too-convenient" fast food options, it is frequently a challenge to find low-fat and nutritional lunch on the run.
The Low-Fat Lifestyle will give some great ideas on how to remedy these situations and encourage consistent determination to eat healthy.
The overall message of this book is that you need to focus on changing your lifestyle to include healthy active and eating habits, as opposed to trying a new `diet', which most of us have tried.
I highly recommend this book!

Product Description
Never before has there been a greater need for healthful living. Yet most men and women are more familiar with failed diets and debilitating stress than with well-nourished bodies, clear minds, and peaceful hearts. We know that we need to cut the "fat" from our lives-physically, mentally, and spiritually. But where do we begin? How are we to know what's necessary, what's "fat," and how to make wise choices between the two?

While there are numerous books dieting and healthful eating on the market, few address the tremendous importance of balancing physical, mental, and spiritual health-and none more effectively and comprehensively than The Low-Fat Lifestyle. Through thirteen empowering chapters packed with information, encouragement, tips, and insights, Amy Nappa helps readers honestly assess their lives in these three vital areas and shows how they can make practical changes that will drastically improve their health: body, soul, and spirit.

Offering far more than the temporary "quick fixes" for which most diet books are known, The Low-Fat Lifestyle presents a long-term solution to the problems of unhealthy eating, consumerism, and other sources of clutter in Christians' lives, freeing readers at last to live the joy-filled existence for which they were created

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Review of The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet: Maximize the Power of Omega-3s to Supercharge Your Health, Battle Inflammation, and Keep Your Mind S (Hardcover)

If you want to understand how Omegas affect our bodies, this is a very good book.I learned so much about which Omegas to eat, how much and why.The recipes are very good and easy.My children even like the recipes.

Product Description

Live longer, better, and healthier with omega-3s!

The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet is the first book to offer simple, practical steps for striking the proper balance between miraculous omega-3 fats and the less-healthy omega-6 fats to get the most out of your diet. Armed with the practical information in The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet, you'll be able to:
  • Discover delicious omega-3-rich foods that are right in your supermarket
  • Cook mouthwatering meals using the 40 included recipes and meal plans
  • Navigate the often-confusing supplements aisle
  • Read food labels to identify hidden omega-6 fats found in many foods
  • Pack in omega-3s even when eating out
  • Learn the omega-3 and omega-6 content of more than 900 foods

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet: Maximize the Power of Omega-3s to Supercharge Your Health, Battle Inflammation, and Keep Your Mind S (Hardcover)

Review of Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook: 250 flourless, Dairyless, Low Temperature, Low Fat, Low Salt, Living Food Vegetarian Recipes (Paperback)

"Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook" is a great all-purpose book for anyone new to sprouts and sprouting and for the sprout vetran who is looking for more recipes and ideas. The tone is chatty and humourous. The book is a great read cover to cover, but it can also be read a section at a time, in any order.
I received this book as a gift and almost immediately I had trays and bags of sprouts in my kitchen. We've stopped putting lettuce on sandwiches and use various sprouts. Sprouts on salad, in stir-fry, in soup... I've tried several of the recipes with success. The sprout bread is really popular and so are the crunchy sprouts.
One word of caution: sprout bread has neither the flavour nor the texture of bakery bread. It is better. It is sweeter and more satisfying. It is also packed with nutrition. If you are expecting something close to regular bread, you will be disappointed. If you remember that what you are eating is something else entirely, you will love it.

Product Description
Turn nuts, vegetable seeds, grains and beans into gourmetfood! Sprouted breads, cookies, crackers, living soups, dressings,dips, spreads, sautes, alternative non-dairy milks, ice-creams, evensprouted pizza and bagels! Chapters on making sprout bread, fooddehydrating, juicing, natural sodas, alternatives to dairy and salt,smart vegetarianism. Glossary of healthy foods. Includes Questions andAnswers and seed resources. Over 150 illustrations, photos & Charts.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook: 250 flourless, Dairyless, Low Temperature, Low Fat, Low Salt, Living Food Vegetarian Recipes (Paperback)